chapter six

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A/n another one of my drawings.

   You and EJ jumped and turned around quickly. girl maybe about 5 years old stood in front of you guys. Brownish reddish hair and big green eyes blood flowed from her scalp. She carried a teddy bear with her that looked worn out. She had a huge smile on her face and looked at you two curiously. EJ rub the back of his neck and and quickly came up with the LIE.
   "Me and y/n are playing a game. we have to sneak out the house without anyone knowing. Can you not ruin the game for us? Please Sally." EJ literally begged. Sally knotted quickly and laughed. She ran down the hallway into a room. She poked her head out of the room and gave you a shh signal, and then a thumbs up. She disappeared into the room after that.

    Successfully got out of the house EJ told you to close your eyes. He said a few words you didn't understand and then he moved your hands. Standing in front of you was a human-looking EJ.
    Your mouth dropped the floor. EJ now had sharp brown eyes and he has a very define jawline. His Brown fluffy hair with fully showing now, it waved in the air as the breeze sliced trough it.
    "What?" He asked.
    "Why do you wear a mask?" You honestly didn't think that he needed one. EJ looked puzzled and then suddenly he realized why you were asking.
    "Are you supposed to spell called the human looking spell. It makes us look human, or it makes you look like you were before you became a creepypasta. this is how I looked before I became a creepypasta and before I had to go through hell gate." EJ explained.
   "So what's did happened to you?" You asked. EJ tensed.
   "You can't die, right? Are you going to tell me every single time that you died. Do you want to relive that pain again.?" He stopped walking and looked into your eyes.
   "I don't feel pain when I die" you spoke quietly and looked away. "And I would tell you every single time I died because I don't feel like hiding myself from you. Mental pain is much more worse then physical pain. I feel more mental pain because I can't feel the physical pain. Sometimes when I wake up my body is sore but that's just it." EJ stood quietly.
     "I was betrayed from a friend. She wasnt a close friend. Soon we became more than friends because we got along so well. my best friend always thought that there was something wrong with her and I just ignore him. That was until something was wrong with her." EJ stayed quiet for a few moments.
       " I found out she was in a cult but I was too late. I was her victim. She did something really bad to my face and I will forever despise her for it. I ended up killing her because I need to feed on..... kidneys. I can't eat anything else or else I'll just get really really sick. Um you can think I'm a freak now, but please be understanding about it." You looked up at EJ and smiled at him.
       "You think that is bad. Sure I can eat regular food and I didn't have a friend that was in a cult but I can make myself die over and over again and I could mess up your life really really bad if you make me mad. Take the reporter for example. Jeff had to kill the reporter correct? well before he did I took out my revenge on him because he was talking shit about my killing skills. So I jumped from a rooftop just so I could kill his ass." You laughed. EJ relaxed a little.  You guys walked till you got to the edge of the woods.
         "I'm sorry for being mad at you I shouldn't being so controlling when it comes to you." EJ suddenly apologized. "I guess I was just jealous"
        "Just jealous? You looked like someone killed all the dogs in the world. It was seriously hilarious." You giggled. "But I do accept your apology." EJ nodded.
         EJ took a step to the left and then suddenly he was on the ground. He groaned and clutched his shoulder which has a knife in it. You froze not knowing how to react, after the shock wore off you run over to EJ and ask him if he was okay.
       "I'm fine." He assured you. He then quickly pulled you over him making you dodged another knife.
       "What in the hell is happening?" You screamed out of frustration. You got up quickly and took the knife that was a laying in the grass next to you. you got into Battle stance and looked off into the woods.
      "He is to your right." EJ groaned as he put pressure on his wound. You hold your breath and waited for some movement. I'm in there between the two bushes that were in front of you there was a foot. You quickly threw the knife with a nice flick of the wrist and it nailed him right in the shoulder blade. A small cry of pain came from the man. You ran over to him and groaned. It was Jeff.
      "You fucking bitch! Why did you throw the freaking knife at me? I fucking hate you!" His normal blood-stained hoodie look even redder now.
     You stuck out your tongue at him. "That's what you get for playing with knives dumbass." Jeff growled and looked half tempted to throw the knife back at you. You gave him a sweet innocent smile. And then you remembered EJ. You jogged over to EJ to see if he was okay again.
     "Yes I am okay it's just a flesh wound. Jeff on the other hand..." He trailed off.  Motioned for Jeff to come over to him.
    "Why did you even throw the knives? You could have killed somebody." EJ nagged him. "And what would slender think if I told him? You get a punishment for sure."
    "Punishment?" You repeated. You look at Jeff puzzled.
      "Not like the punishment you're thinking of, it is basically where- it depends on what you do if slender finds out about the whole entire knife throwing thing I will get stabbed with a knife kind of like a you get done to yourself what you did to somebody." Jeff explained kid then turned to EJ. "Please don't tell him" he begged.
    "Well y / n kinda already did that to you." EJ considered. "I'll make you deal. If you go back to the mansion don't mention that we were out here or say anything that we did if you overheard anything then I won't tell Slender." Jeff nodded quickly and then he ran off. His black hair flying behind him. EJ sighed and then looked over to you.
     "Are you ok?" He asked concerned. Look into your eyes and then cocked head sideways. "Do you know your e/c eyes are really pretty" you blushed and mumbled a small thanks. EJ got up from the ground.         "Shall we go get coffee" he asked. He held out his arm to you. "I hear the frappuccino is really good." You nodded at him and off you went.

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