3) The dreamy football player

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"Wimpy Will! Wimpy Will!"

Chanted the students as Wilfrid walked into the football ground.

The school had been preparing for this match from the past two months. It was between Wilfrid's school and the school from next town. Wilfrid was mount interested in sports, actually, he was not interested in anything. Not even himself. Their team needed a helper boy but no one volunteered for the petty job. They did not want to put their reputations at stake. The captain, Frank Johnson, asked Wilfrid to take the job and he said yes. He always said yes, no matter what the deal was. He had never dreamt that he would have to play in the match. The team's two best players got injured. It was a coincidence or a conspiracy, the captain could not find out. There was no other way but to let "Wimpy Will" into the team.

Wilfrid walked into the ground dreamily.

"Snap out of it!" Frank hissed.

His team wore scarlet and golden T-shirts. With an eagle in flight on the front.

The referee blew his whistle and the game started again. Wilfrid stayed as far, from the rough boys with the ball, as possible. After sometime the board showed the goal:

1 for "The Eagles" and 2 for "The Mighty Mimbas"

Luckily, Frank shot a goal four minutes before the end of time. The captain of "The Mighty Mimbas" ran after the ball, while the rest of his team assembled in such a way as to prevent the opponents from scoring.

Suddenly the ball rolled towards Wilfrid. The opposing captain ran towards him. They came face to face, looking into each other's eyes.

Wilfrid's eyes flashed and the captain went blank. He took three steps backwards, pointing to the sky and then to the ground with the index finger of his left hand. He summoned his team, still pointing. They ran towards him, surprised. Even the goalkeeper's attention was diverted.

Wilfrid mustered up his strength and kicked the ball with all his might. The ball flew straight into the net. At first everyone was so astonished that not a single clap was heard. Then errupted a thunderous noise from the seats. The students clapped, cheered and jumped. The team picked Wilfrid up on their shoulders and the whole school was chanting his name.

Wilfrid was not a bit affected by all this hustle and bustle. He was dragged to the stage by his team. People came to congratulate him but he stood dreamily, not caring a tuppence about his amazing goal or about anyone's hearty congratulations.

He left the never ending celebrations and started walking towards home.

Someone saw him leave and sneaked after him. When he reached the deserted part of the road he heard footsteps behind him. He took no notice. Someone clutched at his shoulder and forced him to turn around.

"Oh! You're the coach of the team we played against."

"Not so dreamy as you pose, eh?"

"I'm sorry! What?"

"What did you do with my captain, Wilfrid Thomas?


"Do you have any supernatural powers?"

Wilfrid's heart skipped a beat.

"No!" he replied.

"Where do you live?"

"Just down this street. House number 37."

"Hope to see you soon," the coach turned to go.

"I don't."

"How are you so sure?" he turned back. Wilfrid's eyes lost the dreamy look.

"Your heartbeat will cease with the setting sun at dusk tomorrow" he said in a deep droning voice.

"What do you mean by that?" The coach clutched him by his neck.

The dreamy look returned to his eyes. "I have no idea, sir," he replied in a normal tone.

"I can make a prediction too. After tomorrow midnight you will not see this town ever again. Take a look at this," the coach took a red colored card out of his pocket and thrust it in his hands. 'I work for the 'Control Of The Supernaturals'. Our organization keeps a lookout for kids like you. Kids who have supernatural powers. Kids who are a danger to this world." His voice turned nasty, "And our job is to keep the world secure from them." He snatched the card out of Wilfrid's hands and pocketed it.

All kinds of exciting thoughts raced his mind. He was sure that Wilfrid was one of them. One of the five they were looking for. During his intense excitement, he did not notice that he left behind something. Something that proved to be the pass to his death warrant.

Control of the Supernaturals_ On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now