12) The double planning

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"Hi, I'm Luke Shackleton. A friend of Herman's. I lost his contact number. Can you tell me where he is?" asked Luke politely.

"How should I know?" growled the sour faced old man who had opened the door, "he can go to hell for all I care."

"I gave him my wedding ring and I'm getting married tomorrow. Now Herman isn't home, and I ... " started Luke.

"So?" said the old man rudely and spat on the ground to show his disgust.

"I was wondering ..." Luke started again.

"Get out of my face!" yelled the furious old man and shut the door in his face.

Luke smiled to himself and stepped off the porch. He couldn't decide whether he should break into the house or try the other neighbor. After a few seconds he was walking towards the door to the left of Herman's house. If the neighbour was talkative then he might find out something useful about him.

He crossed his fingers and knocked on the shabby looking door. As soon as the door opened Luke saw a simple but friendly looking girl standing in the doorway. Luke felt sure she would cooperate.

He cleared his throat, "hi, I'm Lu ... ambert. Lambert Hill." He quickly created a fake name. The girl might blabber to someone that he was there asking questions about Herman. "I need to ..."

"Please come in," the girl interrupted him.

He nodded and she smiled and led him to the sitting room. It was very simply furnished. The sofas were worn out and the cushions were patched. Surprisingly, the house was clean and tidy despite the furniture being old and shabby.

Luke continued, "I am getting married tomorrow and I forgot my wedding ring on Herman's study table."

"Oh, that's not good," she said.

"Why?" Luke feigned surprise.

"Three months ago Mr. Bruce told me that he was leaving for a holiday trip," she explained.

"Yes, he told me too. I called him yesterday and he said that he wouldn't mind if I broke into his house for my ring," lied Luke.

"Of course. But first, what would you like to drink, Mr. Hill? Tea, coffee or lemonade?"

"Lemonade please," replied Luke.

The girl went into the kitchen and returned after a few minutes, caring a small tray. She filled two glasses with lemonade and handed him the first one. They were sipping the lemonade in silence when suddenly, something jumped into Luke's lap. He jumped with fright and split some of the lemonade on his shirt front. The girl laughed and leaned over to pick up the furry golden creature.

"Meet my cat, Fuzzy," she said.

Luke couldn't utter a word and she giggled at the astonished look on his face.

"It has a habit of jumping into people's laps," she explained.

Luke smiled stupidly and stroked the cat. He drank the remaining lemonade quickly.

"Thanks for the lemonade, Miss ..." Luke purposely left his sentence unfinished.

"Mrs, Mrs. Erica Trelawny," she said with a laugh.

"Can you tell me how does Herman earn his living, Mrs. Trelawny?" asked Luke.

"I'm afraid not. He never mentioned where he worked," said Erica apologetically.

"I must leave now," said Luke suddenly and got up.

He was disappointed that he had not found anything of importance.

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