gale; please

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"Achoo!" A sneeze seems to escape before I had the chance to cover my mouth. I scrunch my nose as I feel it becoming itchy and it takes a lot in me to not give it a scratch. 

I set my pen down and sigh at the countless books sprawled open in front of me. Master Makarov has given me something to work on and I can't help but blame my immune system for letting me catch a cold in the process. In all the days I could've been sick, it had to be a day when I needed to work on something important.

Even with my current state, I have no plan of backing down. My works will just pile up if I decide to take a day off, a reason as to why resting is out of my options. Another thing is that I don't have the guts to tell master about this, he'll only end up worrying about me and I am not a fan of attention.

Once I feel my throat becoming dry, I stand up and make my way towards the guild's kitchen. Upon entering the room, surprise takes over my expression when my eyes lock with familiar dark red ones. 

"Gajeel!" His name subconsciously leaves my mouth in disbelief.  "What are you doing here?" I clear my throat and try to compose myself. 

"Same goes for you." He grunts and I notice the half-eaten sandwich he's holding. I roll my eyes with his response and head towards the cabinet to grab myself a glass, I sweatdrop when I feel his eyes drilling holes in the back of my head, begging me for an answer.

"It's late. You should go home." I hear him say. 

I pour myself a glass.  "I can't," I chug down the glass of water in one swoop and place it in the sink once finished. "I have work to d--" A sneeze makes me cut off, with me being able to cover my mouth this time. 

"Ah, I'm sorry!" I immediately apologize, my cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. "I'll take my leave." I scurry my way to the door but was suddenly stopped with Gajeel's arm blocking the exit.

He glares down at me and I shut my eyes close when I notice his arm nearing me. Is he going to him me?  I mentally curse at myself for thinking that, he would never hurt me. But still, I wait for an impact never came.

Instead, I feel something gently press against my forehead. With furrowed eyebrows, I open my eyes to witness Gajeel's hand against it.

"What are y--"

"You're sick." My words cut off with what he said.  "You shouldn't be working, go home." He states, his tone stating as if it's an order. 


"Levy," He presses with eyes holding an unfamiliar expression. "Please."

My eyes widen and I almost choke on air. 

With the way he's acting, I can't possibly decline him any further. "Fine." I sigh.

"I'll grab my things and go home right away." I say and I hear him let out a breath of relief. My heart thumps loudly that it's possible for it to rip out of my chest. 

"I'll wait for you outside." He says and walks out of the kitchen.

I blink with my mouth agape. I'm so used to his cold demeanor that the moment he acts like a normal human being totally throws me off guard.  Although he does act nice to me every now and then, it's still a difficult thing for me to get used to.

I slap myself in the face and straighten myself up, now is not the time to be dumbfounded. With that, I grab my bag from the desk and headed to the guild's doors.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I say once outside. I catch him straightening himself from leaning against the wall, he simply nods and starts walking.

I hastily run to his side and the comfortable silence starts

"Thank you for walking me home." I tell him once we're outside of my home. The walk ended up with both of us not talking to each other, I didn't find it awkward, it actually turned out quite comfortable and calming. 

He just hums as a response and I hold myself from rolling my eyes for the second time today.

"You know," He scratches the back of his neck and looks elsewhere. "You should take care of yourself more." 

A few seconds pass by and all I can hear is the loud beating of my heart. Without hesitation, I slowly walk to him, and with my tippy toes, I give him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I'll make sure I will." I smile and back down, nervous for his reaction. I simply laugh when I see his cheeks flushed that it could be compared to Erza's hair. 

"See you tomorrow, Gajeel." I quickly go inside my house, not wanting him to see my own flushed cheeks.


it's may!! holy shiz. ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) 

i honestly don't know what to say other than to keep safe. please wash your hands and stay hydrated. 

i recently just noticed that this book is nearing 10k reads and i want to thank you all so much for that! (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

thanks for reading this chapter, don't forget to vote! (。・・。)ノ


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