gruvia; babysit

593 27 5

this will be set in a modern au. (≖ᴗ≖✿)


I leave the store with a sigh as disappointment clouds my mind once again. I never expected that buying a birthday gift for Gray would be difficult since I was confident that I knew every single thing that he likes. I've already passed by six stores but I just can't find the perfect gift to buy. 

"Gah," I give my cheeks a little squeeze and get myself together, it's still too early to give up. With a nod of determination, I start to make my way towards the next store.

"Pretty!" A squeaky voice says from behind and I halt.

I immediately turn around, only to find no one there.

"You're so pretty, Missy!"

I lower my head to find a little boy staring right at me, eyes sparkling like jewels, with a hand holding a cone of ice cream. His hair is colored raven, which reminds me of a certain someone. 

His awestruck expression makes me chuckle and I can't help but bend down and give him a gentle pat in the head. 

"Thank you." I give him a smile and he returns it with a huge grin. 

"Who are you with?" I ask out of concern but his expression suddenly turns sulky. 

His eyebrows are furrowed and a pout has started to form on his face, making me confused. 

"What's wro—"

"Lucas, you damn brat!" 

The child's eyes widen and he quickly hides behind me, it's my time to furrow my eyebrows. 

"What are you doi—" I'm about to turn around to look at him but he latches onto my knees. I can't believe this is happening to me, what do I do? Without a second to think, I fix my gaze to the person approaching.

"You brat, I took my eyes off—"

My eyes widen and I felt my breath hitch for a second. 


"Juvia?" He is speechless too, he probably did not expect to bump into me today. 

The child peeks from behind me. "You know missy?" He irks with curiosity, still hugging my legs as if his life depended on it. 

"She's a friend, now come with me because you're disturbing her." Gray tries to grab Lucas from me but he refuses to give in, his arm not letting go of my legs. 

"Stop being a brat and let go of her!" Gray grows more and more irritated.

"No!" Lucas retaliates.

"You damn brat!" Gray successfully let Lucas let go of me with one strong pull, but once we notice how it had Lucas' ice cream dumped on the floor, both our faces pale.

Gray curses under his breath when Lucas starts to cry, his tantrums begin to get louder, resulting in people looking our way. Gray tries his best to calm him down but it just isn't working.

"Want some help?" I offer, starting to feel a bit of pity for him.

His eyes look at me, and I got my answer.


I let out a sigh of relief when I see Lucas finally all calmed down, licking his new bought chocolate ice cream. It took us a full 10 minutes to figure out a way to calm him down, Gray tried telling him his sorry but it didn't work out, so I offered the idea of buying him another ice cream cone and he obliged.

That's how we ended up chilling in an ice cream shop.

"Glad you're alright now, Lucas." I say to the little boy who sits beside me, patting his head. He gives me a smile and continues with his business.

I hear another sigh of relief but it didn't come from me, it came from Gray who is sitting across from me. "Thanks for saving me back there, Juvia." He says and I immediately shake my head, telling him that it isn't much of a deal.

I fiddle with my fingers, noticing how awkward the atmosphere is becoming. 

"S-so, you babysit?" I ask, hoping to start a conversation to ease the tension. 

"Well," He leans back and crosses his arms. "He's actually my cousin, Lucas. My aunt begged me to take care of him because she had somewhere to go to." He directs his gaze to the boy beside me. "And the brat told me how he wanted to see a new movie, so I figured going to the mall with him today wasn't such a bad idea." A small smile forms on Gray's face.

My heart warms and I chuckle. "I see." 

Out of nowhere, Lucas' small gasp can be heard and we both turn his way, expecting the worst, but it didn't come.

"Can we take Juvia with us to the movies?" He excitedly asks, his eyes shining with delight.

"No." Gray flatly refuses with a straight face. I can't help but laugh on the inside with how he easily refuses his offer.

My expression dooms once I notice Lucas' eyes beginning to water.

"She probably has something else to do, stop sulking." Gray stays composed, arms still crossed together. 

Lucas nods and stays glued to his seat, which surprised me. I thought he's going to throw another tantrum but maybe hearing Gray's tone made him think otherwise.

"Sorry for bringing you into this mess, Juvia." I hear him say.

I flail my arms around out of panic, repeatedly telling him that it's alright.

He smiles. "Alright." 

With that, I feel my heart skip a beat. Seeing him smile right in front of me gave me more reason to continue liking him. I just can't pass this golden opportunity to spend time with him, right? 

"Actually..." I play with my fingers and try to calm my heart down. "I have nothing else to do, I'm free." I hesitate to look at him, but I force myself to, I want to see the expression he has.

His face stays frozen for a little but eventually softens.

"That's great, then." 

My eyes widen and I immediately lower my head, I didn't want him to see how red my cheeks are becoming.

"You heard that, Lucas? She's com--" 

"Yay!!" I immediately get enveloped in a hug by the child and I hug back, laughing at how excited he became. But once I feel something cold running down my chest, my expression falters.

I break the hug and look down, seeing the chocolate ice cream ruining the maroon shirt I'm wearing.

"You..." I gaze at Gray's fuming figure.

"You damn brat!"


how is everyone doing? how's quarantine? are you rotten yet? (ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)

i hope you stay safe and drink your water! be sure to wash your hands.

oooh, and thank you so much for 9k reads!

thanks for reading this chapter, don't forget to vote! (。・・。)ノ it motivates me a lot.


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