stingyu; tomato

999 36 5

I let my feet take me to a nearby bench that's just right in front of the Sabertooth guild. The early crisp air makes me relax, resulting to me closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.


A familiar voice makes my eyes shot open and my gaze suddenly meet with a pair of dark ones. My heart beats faster than ever at our sudden closeness, his face is incredibly close to mine and no words can explain how fuzzy I feel in the inside. He bends down a little bit more and stares into my eyes as if it's the most interesting thing ever.

I block my blushing face with my hand. A chuckle resonates into the air as I feel his grasp around my hand, pushing it a little to the side to have a glance on my pathetic state. A sly smirk is visible on his face and I can't explain how I want to get out of this situation.

"I-Is there anything you need, Sting~Sama?" I mentally punch myself for stuttering, I can't believe I'm acting this way in front of him. 

His smirk turns into a frown. "You can drop the honorifics, you know? We've been friends for a long time, Yukino." He explains and takes a seat beside me. I keep my gaze forward and avoid looking at him.


Laughter fills the air. "You look like a tomato!" His words make me look down to my fiddling fingers. I don't know how to reply and I have no intention of embarrassing myself in front of my guild's master.

"I'm sorry." I say, not too sure as to why I chose an apology as a reply.

He gently places his hand on top of mine and grabs a hold of it. "Let's go grab something to eat!" He immediately stands up and heads towards the local town square with me trailing behind him.

With our hands still together.


oh gosh, what a short chapter.

don't worry im not dead (yet), finals are coming and i can already feel myself procrastinate in the future. i'll try and update sooner! have a good day or night.

thanks for reading this chapter, don't forget to vote! (。・・。)


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