gruvia; nuisance

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Juvia is a nuisance to Gray.

The thought repeats inside of my head like a broken jukebox. There is no use of denying since it only speaks of the truth.

Juvia is a nuisance to Gray.

I bury my head deeper into my pillow and tighten my grasp around my blanket. I can hear the rain pouring outside as if there's no end to it, contributing to my sullen mood. It always rains whenever I feel depressed or sad, I never have the chance to know why though.

I tried my best to show him how I felt but I'll always get nothing in return, other than annoyed looks, exclamations, and complains.

Because of those, It made me realize how I was acting like a parasite, always clinging to him out of his own free will. I was annoying, selfish, and bias. It is clear that he doesn't like me. He doesn't want to be near me.

Hence the reason why I'm stuck in bed and been absent from school for 3 days. My head's been hurting ever since, I must have caught a cold or something.


I sigh and take a moment before grabbing my phone from my bedside table. Making it face towards me, I turn it on and can't help but glare at the sudden brightness.

18 unread messages

I smile as all of them are filled with concerned messages from my friends, it's mostly composed of where are you, are you okay, or do you want me to visit you later?

As I continue to scroll down the messages, my eyes perk up because of a specific one. My mouth parts a little in disbelief as I blink multiple times, wondering if I'm hallucinating or not.

Are you okay?
From: My darling Gray

My cheeks start to burn. The text made me realize the nickname I gave him in my contacts when I forced him to tell me his phone number. But putting that aside, why did he text me? Aren't I annoying? I'm bugging him, right?

Feeling myself get dizzy because of my screen's brightness, I turn my phone off and shut my eyes, hoping to get rid of this stupid feeling.

It's nothing.
It's nothing.
It's nothing.

Then I doze off to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my apartment door. I blink a few times, attempting to get the hang of myself. I still feel sleepy and my brain does not function well when I'm in this state.

I hear another wave of knocking once more, making me force myself up. I groan when my head starts to hurt as if I was hit by a truck.

Not caring about my appearance, I approach the door with my blanket wrapped around me like a cocoon. I feel cold and the blanket was the closest to warming me up.

The person from the other side of the door knocks once again making me mumble in annoyance. I could've continued my 5 hours of sleep if it wasn't for him or her.

I take grasp of the doorknob and twist it open, revealing a familiar someone standing a few inches in front of me.

My eyes widen immediately as our eyes lock with each other. I feel my heartbeat start to accelerate because of his presence.

fairytail oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora