gruvia; on call

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I was casually scrolling through my Twitter newsfeed, while drinking my cup of coffee, when a certain notification catches my eye.

Gray Fullbuster wants to video call you.

My eyes halt at the certain message and time seems to pass by in slow motion. Why would he want to video call me all of a sudden? This might've been an accident since there was no reason for him to call me. But even when knowing that this might've been a mistake, a small part of me still wants to accept the call.

With a deep breath, I click the accept video call option.

"Ah!" Gray's flustered voice is heard. "Sorry, Juvia! It was my little cousin who made the call, it was a mistake, sorry." He continues to explain as a soft giggle from a child could be heard in the background.

He still looked the same as the last time I met with him. Same dark eyes, same raven hair, and the same voice that would make my stomach stir. I always believed that I no longer hold any feelings for him, but that would be a lie. My heart is beating abnormally fast just by looking at him and it confirmed how I still felt the same way about him.

"Oh, it's okay! It happens." I force a smile even though deep down, I wish it wasn't some sort of mistake. An awkward silence passes by which consists of the two of us looking into each other's eyes without a word.

"Anyways, uhm, goodbye?" I say and hover my finger over the end call button out of embarrassment.

"W-wait!" He says.

I look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"To be honest.." He gives himself a few seconds, and I could sense his hesitation. "It wasn't a mistake."

My furrowed eyebrows furrow even more.

"Calling you wasn't an accident." He clears out. "I just...really wanted to see you." He sheepishly admits with his head hanging down.

I pause and wonder if I heard that correctly. Was this a dream? Gray Fullbuster would not say something like that straight to my face. He was a man of few words and he tends to keep his thoughts all to himself.

"Really?" The word comes out unconsciously from mouth, and I mentally slap myself for it.

He nods.

"I'm actually in my cousin's house and it's only a few blocks away from yours." He starts. "Do you want to meet up?"

My cheeks flame red as a tomato and I nod repeatedly. After that conversation, we eventually meet up and I took the chance to confess my feelings for him, which he surprisingly confessed to having feelings for me too.

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