jerza; breathtaking

527 16 3

My eyes can't help but wander around the field of roses. Roses of every color are scattered around the area and the only thing I can manage to do is just stare in awe. The sight is truly something worth gazing on and I'm glad to be able to spend this time with him.

"Breathtaking," I hear Jellal say, making me turn to his direction.

A smile takes over my face as I switch my attention to the endless field of flowers. "I know."

Footsteps can be heard coming my way.

"I wasn't referring to the flowers." He chuckles and I scrunch my eyebrows, completely clueless to what he's meaning to say.

"I meant you, Erza."

My heartbeat accelerates and my eyes begin to widen once I register his words to my mind. I quickly cover my flushed cheeks with the back of my hand, too embarrassed for him to look at my face in this state.

His laughter fills the open air, a soothing sound to listen to.


oops, i apologize for the very short oneshots. how is everyone? i hope you're doing okay! drink your water and stay hydrated.

btw, is anyone interested with the idea of a *insert fairytail ship* book? any ship suggestions? wink wonk.

thanks for reading this chapter, don't forget to vote! (。・・。)ノ


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