nalu; flutter

957 33 4

"Lucy, can we please go on a quest?" Natsu says from behind me for the ninth time. I heave out a sigh and stop my writing, setting down my pen in the process.

I turn my body with the chair towards his direction. "Natsu, as I said, I'm busy. I need to finish these papers so please, if all you'll be doing is bugging me then you're free to leave my room." My hands cross over my chest and I raise an eyebrow, I'm honestly growing tired of having to repeatedly explain about my situation.

His face turns into a pout and he sits down on the ground. A sour expression plastered on his face, pretty similar to a 5-year-old not getting the toy he wants.

I roll my eyes. "What are you doing?"

He looks at me for a couple of seconds before blurting out a reply.

"I'm staying here until you aren't busy anymore."

My heart flutters and a blush seems to make its way to my face. I quickly turn around to avoid his gaze, the more I look into his eyes, the more I feel like my heart will explode and I have no clue as to why I'm feeling this way.

I clear my throat and fix myself. "F-Fine! Have it your way."

He's eventually going to leave, I'm sure of it.

I pick up my pen and continue with my writing.


A yawn escapes from my mouth and I stretch out my arms to their full length, groaning after hearing a few bones softly cracking.

I check the clock.


Natsu must have left by now, 11 hours passed ever since he bugged me about a quest.

I stand up from my uncomfortable chair and turn around. The sudden sight making my eyes grow wide.

There he is, sleeping against the wall, hands dropped to the floor and his head slightly tilted in an awkward position. The view makes my heart flutter for the second time, quite fond of his sleeping face to make it straight forward.

I find this sight of him rather...cute.

I slowly approach him and crouch down once I'm near his body. Soft snores can be heard which causes me to chuckle. I let my hand graze his cheek, and I subconsciously study his features. His eyelashes are quite long if you look closely, his lips...

"Ugh," He starts to stir awake from his sleep, and my eyes widen as I notice his eyes slowly opening.

I jump away from him in an instant, already aware of my heart beating rapidly as if it's attempting to rip out of my ribcage.

He groans and rubs his eyes with his hand. "Lucy? Are you done?" He asks, with eyes still half close.

"Y-Yes." I stammer. Our faces were so close, and the insides of me feel relieved that he didn't wake up with my face being inches away from his.

He eventually stands up and stretches his arms, similar to what I did earlier. "So? Let's go and start the quest!" His fired up attitude automatically resonating from his voice.

"It's late, Natsu." I point out and he turns his face to look at the clock.

"Oh," It dawns on him. "Well! We'll do it tomorrow then. I'm starving, see ya!" He sprints towards my window and before he jumps off, he looks at me.

"You should rest too, Luce."

My heart flutters for the third time.


you know what made me choke today? seeing this book ranked #4 in the fairytail tag. that's a huge accomplishment for me and it really does fire up my motivation. thank you so much! *sobs*

thanks for reading this chapter, don't forget to vote! (。・・。)ノ


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