9 | just let me adore you

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Requested fluff from this prompt list:

34: you look so comfy and cuddleable

40: I'm not going to get sick, you baby. Just let me hold you, can we just stay in bed

The call cuts off and she lets out her longest sigh of the day. It's her fourth time calling him in a row, when otherwise, it's him doing the calling.

She let off the calls and texts the last few days, their relationship was still so fresh how dare she appear clingy to this beautiful boy she's liked for as long as she can remember? As soon as they put a tag on it, the years of knowing each other, and the knowledge of each of their tricks and tactics went out the window. Three months in and they still act like teenagers with their first crush. Not that there is anything wrong with teenagers and crushes, but they've both already lived through that phase of life, why are they back here again?

She racks her brain for alternatives, then furiously rubs at her temples as if that would make her thoughts come through easier. She could call up their friends, see if they've heard something from him in the last week. She hadn't seen him for 7 days, his last message was 4 days ago. She could march over to his house but again ... they've only been together together for three months. She's not sure if she's allowed to go knocking on his door without notice. Then again what if he's in danger and she is the only one who thought about saving him? What if she is his only hope? He is the current Prince of Pop, the people wanting to cause harm to him must be endless.

She scoffs at her usual downward spiral. Everyone in the world is not out to get him. He's worked with her through her panic multiple times, so if he knew how much she worried about him why not just give her a heads up that he's alive and safe?

His apartment is really just twenty minutes away from hers after all, she could go over - she should go over. She purses her lips while looking at her black phone screen, as if staring at it hard enough will just, you know, make him call. But that's not how the world works. And so she marches to her room to collect her bags, picks up her keys on the way, and sets off to his house.

She used to do this all time, earlier - showing up unannounced. They'd spent a better part of three years being strictly friends. Nothing more. Except the times she would catch him staring at her a bit longer than what seemed normal, or when she would put in extra efforts to dress up when she knew she would be seeing him. They had been introduced through friends, an effort to club their friend groups into one large social circle, and they didn't have a lot in common, but that's what worked for them. They lived each other's lives through the other's eyes, and sometimes, that's all you need in a friend.

Unfortunately, most times they saw each other outside of their respective flats, there was alcohol involved. And bottled feelings and bottles of alcohol never really mix well. They used to play this game, they used to order drinks for each other, with the promise that the other would have to finish the drink, and the swear was on their friendship. A year and a half or so of knowing each other later, they found themselves exchanging kisses in dark corners of clubs and pubs, a glass of whatever they bought each other in hand.

Soon enough, they didn't need the liquid courage. Although it was the sort of thing that everyone knew of and no one said aloud, they kept their distance in front of their friends and the sneaking around never really ceased. And what their friends don't know, didn't hurt them. As if their friends didn't know why or how they always arrived and left together. As if they didn't notice that after a while she had chosen to stop bringing her car to these parties altogether because she knew she would ride back with him anyway.

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