2.1: Omega

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"Three o clock," I laughed. 

"Where did those come from?" Gideon laughed.

"There are three squads left," I informed him as I shot one of the soldiers coming at him. Then another. 

"You are seriously the best duo companion I've ever had," he laughed. "Do you have a vitality syringe?" 

"I don't. Do you have an extra?" I asked. 

"Yeah, here you go," he dropped them next to me. 

We headed to high ground so I can heal my avatar up. We won first place. He had the most kills but I had the most damage. 

"I have to make dinner. My mom should be home any minute," I explained. 

"Okay, I'll see tomorrow at school?" he asked disappointedly. 

"I'll see you there," I laughed. 

"Good night, Sky," 

"Night, G-man," I disconnected my headphones and put them on top of my computer before logging out. "What are you doing here, Derek?"

"You knew it was me?" he asked laying down on my bed. 

"No one else has your stench and now that you're an alpha it's stronger," 

"I take that as a compliment," he scoffed. "I know I've been M.I.A. a while but this took some time to get under control. I just wanted you to know that I've decided on my next move. I just want to run it by you," 

"You want to run it by me? When did I give you any indication that I was going to listen to anything you said ever again?" 

"Sky, I know you're mad, but I need your help on this. You're the only person I trust," 

"Derek," I sighed. "Thank you, but this thing between you and Scott is really difficult to handle. He hasn't spoken to me in days. He's seeing Allison again and he thinks no one knows. We all know. I can't choose between the two of you. Don't make me hurt you like that," 

"I'm not making you chose. But I do want your help with this one thing," 


"I need to get stronger. I know you like to help people and that's all I want to do. I need three guys like you. Who need a way out. Who can benefit from the bite," 

"Derek, are you insane? There are hunters out there. You want me to put three other kids in harms way?" 

"There are others out there, Sky. Other alphas and they have packs. Once word gets out, we're going to need more strength," 

"We're the only ones that know. Who's going to tell?" 

"It always gets out. Trust me. I know you do or you would lock your window," he smirked. 

"Fine, under one condition," 

"Which is?" 

"You have to ask them. You can't just bite them and hey we're bros now them. You have to let them decide," 

"That's the deal," he agreed. I went over to my desk and wrote down an address. 

"Be careful when you approach him. His dad is a piece of shit. They run the cemetary so you might catch him out there, digging Kate's  grave," 

"What makes you sure he's the one?" he asked. 

"Watch him, creepo. You'll see he won't say no," 

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