2.8: Raving

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Deadmau5 & Light- When The Summer Dies

A woman was killed in the hospital. Mrs. Argent called and asked me to meet her there alone. I told the others I was going to work and snuck away. The woman's name is Jessica and she had just given birth to a little girl just before she was murdered. 

"Anything?" she asked. 

"Jackson Whitmore is the Kanima and he's definitely being controlled by someone. The only person this things has killed that isn't the same age as the rest of the victims is Mr. Lahey," 

"That's interesting," she looked over at me. I glanced at her as we looked around the bodies. "What do you see?" 

"The man was killed by the lizard and she wasn't. Whoever killed her was here. Don't you have people monitoring everything?" 

"What makes you so sure that we are?" 

"Gerard wouldn't know about me if you weren't," 

"If he's human, it'll be difficult to track down," she crossed her arms. "I saw you talking to my daughter in the library," 

"I wanted to know why Jackson assaulted her," 

"I'm sorry?" she asked. I looked over at her. 

"She smelled like him. Jackson wears a lot of body spray and it was all over her clothes. So, my guess is Jackson tried to do something to her and Scott being the simp he is, attacked him in the locker room," 

"Is your brother still seeing my daughter?" she asked. 

"Scott's been spending a lot of time with me so I don't spend any time with Derek and his younglings. So if he is, I don't know when he'd have the time to be honest," she looked away letting out a heavy sigh. 

"Your mother showed up at my office yesterday talking about protection and behavior problems," she scoffed. I laughed feeling the rage inside of me bubble. I stayed very still so she wouldn't see the flare in my eyes. "You think that's funny?" 

"He's a teenage boy and there are a lot of willing girls out there who would love to get their hands on the captain of the lacrosse team. If Allison is one of them, what does that tell you about her?" I asked looking over at her. Her beautiful teal eyes are raging right now and I'm getting a kick out of it. "Don't worry, Mrs. Argent. Scott's a little preoccupied with the little blonde running around with Derek. Why would he settle for a quick bite when he can have all of that whenever he wants?"

"You're really manipulative," she turned away. "That's dangerous. It means you're a good liar. A good liar always peppers the truth in their lies. Hides them in it. Your years of silence made you brilliant. Not a lot of people get stronger from a weakness like that one,"

"Well, guess that makes me special," she came over to me pushing my hair away from my shoulder. 

"I guess it does," I didn't move away. "You have the potential to be more than just Scott McCall's little sister. He holds you back," 

"I've been told," I shrugged her off. 

"Men," she scoffed. 

"You're a hardcore feminist, Mrs. Argent. It's kind of admirable," 

"You learn a little too fast," she chuckled. 

"Are we done here?" 

"Yes," she nodded. I went for the door and stopped to look back at her as she looked the bodies over one last time. 

"Why aren't you trying to kill me?" I asked. 

"I told you. You have potential. We're at war right now but we won't always be," she looked up. "You have an opportunity being what you are. To help others of your kind and help me make sure we don't go to war like this again for a while. People are dying, Skylar. It looks like we want the same things. As long as things stay that way, you're not threat," 

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