Seven: The Tell

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Phantogram- Mouthful of Diamonds

Scott and I haven't spoken since he got home after whatever Derek showed him the other night. He stood in front of my door until I slammed it shut in his face. He's not going to tell me everything because he wants to right now. He's telling me because he feels obligated to now that I found out on my own. 

Parent/teacher conferences are tonight. I have nothing to worry about. Scott, on the other hand, is about to get the punishment of a lifetime. I am excited about that. I can't wait to see how mom chews him out. 

The news running around the school right now is, Lydia and Jackson were in an incident last night. They're all calling it an animal attack. No one really has any of the details. It didn't stop Stiles from questioning Danny during Chemistry. He nearly fell out of his chair doing so. There is no doubt that whatever attacked the man at the movie place was the alpha. 

"Hey, Sky," I looked over at Stiles as he stumbled over to me before nearly smacking his face against my locker door.

"Hey, Stiles. Done trying to avoid me?" his smile faded.

"I wasn't," I smiled at him before pushing my binder into the locker before shutting it.

"Okay, what's up?"

"Have you seen Lydia? Was she in your homeroom earlier?" I shook my head. He groaned leaning against the lockers. I poked his face like I usually did when I wanted him to tell me what's going on. "Nothing, I just- she was attacked last night and I'm worried,"

I think I'm convinced that girls are the devil. Since my two brothers have been interacting with girls other than myself they are completely different guys. I mean Scott and I becoming werewolves are a big part of that but adding girls on top of that has been a complete disaster.

"Why don't you go see her?" the more I think I'm speaking out the more my voice sounds like it's trying to whisper.

"Where? I've been looking for her all day,"

"Her house," I stated a matter of factly.

"I love you. This is why you're the smart McCall," he rushed off leaving me alone. I sighed pulling the straps to my backpack to adjust it.

"Hey," Erica scared the hell out of me.

"Erica," I smiled. "You're back,"

"You got your voice back," she said pointing at me.

"Yeah, um. My doctor got me on new meds. They make me feel a little sick and moody but it's worth it,"

"I happy for you," she said looking down at her feet. "Listen. I wanted to apologize for what I said the other day,"

"Don't worry about it. I know how things get. I just wish I could have-" she stopped me shaking her head.

"Isaac told me. Thanks. There's no excuse for what I said. You were trying to help and I shut you down," I shrugged.

"That's what friends are for," she smiled taking my hand giving it a little squeeze.

"I'll see you around, Sky. I'm really glad you got your voice back," she walked off.

I had to walk home since I lost my board. I have to replace it soon. I can't right now I just got a new monitor for my PC. One thing I enjoy about this walk is that it's usually quiet.

This road leads me towards the back of my house and it's somewhat in the direction to the old Hale house. I had seen it on my walks before but it never really interested me until now. I've been doing research on the fire that took place here and everyone who was killed inside. It's most definitely wasn't an accident. Everything they have on it is crap. 

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