3.3: Fireflies

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Scott McCall- Radio Active

I can't get the picture out of my head. My entire body is numb at the moment and I can't take a moment to really let it sink in. When it fades, I know I'm going to crash. 

"We have to split up. I'll go after your sister. I think it'll be easier for you guys to catch Boyd together," I broke the silence. Scott looked up at me. 


"We can talk about this later. We'll figure something out. Right now, we need to stop Cora and Boyd from hurting anyone," I cut him off. 

"I think I should take Cora," Derek shook his head. "Take my car. Go get Isaac," 

"Derek-" I shook my head. 

"Go, we got it," he motioned his car. I drove his car back to the loft and parked it. I went upstairs to see Peter and Stiles are still here. 

"What happened?" he asked. "You don't look so good," 

"Erica is in the back of Allison's car," I answered. 

"Is she okay?" 

"No, she's dead you idiot," Peter sighed. 

"What about Boyd?" 

"Who was the other girl?" Peter asked ignoring him. 

"Derek's sister. Cora," 

"Cora?" he asked looking me over. 

"Allison was there for some reason. She broke the mountain ash barrier and they escaped," I finished. Stiles's phone began to ring. He stepped away to take it. Peter looked over at me. 

"I'm sorry about your friend," 

"Are you though?" I asked. 

"I know you don't think very highly of me-" 

"Why would you think that?" I asked sitting down. 

"Do you think highly of me?" 

"Peter, you're the reason why I'm this. Even if you were being a monumental dick head. I don't hate you. I was scared of you before but the Kanima kind of has you beat," 

"I am relieved to hear that," 

"Just-" I looked down at my phone. "If you ever try hurting my mom again, I'll kill you. You're not the alpha anymore. You can't control me or use that against me so as long as you stay in your lane. We're good," 

"Alright," he shook his head. 

"I'm going to go get Isaac so we can help Derek and Scott. Tell Stiles I left," 

I got on my bike and picked up Isaac at the animal clinic. The two of us headed to the reserve. I called Derek as soon as we arrived. 

"Are you on your way?" he answered right away. 

"We're here. Where do you want us to go?" 

"Head towards the campsites east. Scott and I will go after Boyd," he hung up. 

"Let's go," Isaac began to walk. 

"This way," I laughed grabbing him by his jacket. 

"I knew that," he nodded. 

We started running towards the campsites. I felt it before I heard her growl. I stopped Isaac and motioned him to break left. We rushed forward just as Derek's sister was about to attack a woman. Isaac was the first to catch her attention. She grabbed Isaac and tossed him over her head like he was nothing. I jumped down kicking her in the back and growled. 

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