The date

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A/N: Again, so sorry, I had a huge test to study for, so I couldn't update, but I hope you enjoy this one!

They continued dancing in an uncomfortable silence. After the rehearsal, they silently gathered their things and left the room. The next two days were kind of a blur. On Friday night, Vilu got ready for her date with Diego. She picked out her outfit and dressed up. As she was curling her hair, her dad walked into the room.

“Hi, hon. I was thinking we could- oh, you have your, ahem, date now...”

Vilu laughed. “I'm sorry, dad. We'll watch those Boy Meets World reruns some other time, okay?” She put down her curling iron, picked up her blush palette and sucked her cheeks in. She began brushing her cheekbones with the rosy powder.

“What are you doing?” he asked her, staring at her weirdly.

Her fingers snapped the box shut. “It's called makeup, daddy dearest. It's complicated.”

She slipped into her heeled boots and put on her knit beanie. She was going to call Diego, but he pulled up in front of her house just in time. He rolled the window down and smiled at her.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Let's go!” she got into the car and buckled up.

“Here, I got you these.” He handed her a small bouquet of blue forget-me-nots.

“Oh, thank you so much! These are my favorite,” she said, fondling the delicate petals of the flowers.

“I know. I remember, you took me to the park on my first day here and we saw some blue forget-me-nots by the lake, and you told me you loved them.” He said, staring at her face.

“Aww, thank you.” she said, staring back. There were a few seconds of silence, before Vilu cleared her throat and said, “Shall we go?”

“Uh...yeah, sure.” Diego stepped on the accelerator and they drove to the place where the concert was supposed to be held. Violetta leaned her head and stared out the window and began to think. What did that mean? Do I feel something for him? Stop it Violetta, you really do think way too much.

They pulled up in the parking lot of the arena and got out of the car. They walked in and sat on their chairs. After about fifteen minutes, Katy Perry dropped down on stage from a harness and began performing. After two hours of yelling and singing, Diego and Violetta drove back to her house.

“So, I'll see you on Monday,” he said, walking Vilu to the front door of her house.

“Yeah.” she said, looking up at him. She hugged him, kissed his cheek and walked into her house.

After changing her clothes, she got into bed and fell asleep. An hour later, her phone started ringing.

“Hello?” she said drowsily.

“Violetta?” Leon's voice was reaching a dangerous level of fear. “I'm sorry I woke you.”

“Leon? What happened?” she asked worriedly.

His voice was shaky. “I'm...I'm in the hospital. It's my m-mom.”

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