Hello, Argentina!

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Violetta was sitting on her bed, writing in the diary her mother gave her for her 13th birthday. She had writing in it ever since she got it. It was really special to her.

 Dear Diary,

So it's been three months since Mom died of cancer. Dad and I have finally gotten over it. Last week, dad decided that he couldn't take care of me by himself anymore. We talked about it and made a huge decision: we were going to move back to Buenos Aires. Our home. And we are, today. I'm all packed and ready to go. I am going to miss the wonderful times I had here, but after mom's death, nothing really matters to me anymore. In fact, I'm happy we're going back. It'll help take our minds off things. 

“Vilu!” Her father called from downstairs. “The cab's here honey, time to go!”

“Coming dad!” Violetta shouted back. She closed her diary, put it into her suitcase and and took one last look around her room. She would never forget Madrid. Sighing, she grabbed her jacket and ran downstairs, dragging her suitcase behind her.

“Ready to go?” German asked.

“Yeah, let's go.” she replied, trying not to show her father that she was on the verge of tears. But her dad knew her too well. “Hey, we'll be fine, we'll get through this. I promise,” he said, hugging her. “Yeah, I know. Let's just get out of here before you start crying too!” She joked. They got into the cab and took one last look at their house before driving off to the airport.

After finishing all the airport formalities(check in, security etc.), Violetta and her father were waiting in the lounge for boarding. Violetta was bored out of her mind, so she started rummaging in her carry on bag, trying to find her headphones. Her hand instead touched something hard, like a book. She pulled it out and discovered that it was an old scrapbook. Huh? how did THIS get in here? she thought.

She opened it and on the first page, it said, in glittery writing: “Violetta and Leon's memory book.” She smiled while reading the title. Leon. The best friend she'd ever had. She remembered him as a scrawny ten-year-old with Bieber bangs. He was about ten months older than her, yet she was the taller and tougher one. She used to defend him from bullies. She smiled, reminiscing the times they had together. The sleepovers and pillow fights, the petty arguments on what movie to watch on saturday nights.(Author's note: that rhymed :O) There was a picture on the second page. It was a photo of the two of them making funny faces at the camera. She remembered that the picture was taken on her last day in Buenos Aires. She was yanked out of her daydream by the droning voice of a woman over the intercom: ”all passengers traveling by silver sky airlines flight AA376 are requested to proceed for boarding.”

Whew. She thought. This is it.

She spent the whole plane ride thinking about Leon. Whether he'd remember her, whether he was still living in Buenos Aires. When she'd left, they'd video chatted every single day for the first few months. These soon started to get less frequent and eventually, they just stopped. They had drifted apart.

Before Violetta knew it, the plane was landing and they got off. Her dad had told her that someone had come to receive them at the airport, but he didn't say who.

They were looking for this certain someone until Violetta head a familiar voice. A voice she hadn't heard in a long time.


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