Bad News

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Leon walked out the door feeling light headed. He was walking down the hall, past the dance room when he saw Bianca, who was clutching her cellphone tightly in her hands and leaning against a wall, breathing deeply. The color had drained from her face. Leon rushed into the room, surprised.

“Woah, Woah, what happened?” he asked her.

“Nothing, I just- nothing.” she replied hesitantly.

“Something's definitely wrong. Tell me, what's the matter?” he persisted.

“Well, I-”

“Hey you two!” Fran said as she entered the room with Marco. Vilu, Cami and Maxi followed.

“I have to tell you guys something.” Bianca said, taking another deep breath. Marco, who didn't want to invade their privacy, said something about wanting to talk to Pablo and hurried out of the room.

“What is it?” Fran asked, a mixed expression of concern and fear painting her face.

Bianca took yet another deep breath. “I-I-I have umm...well...cancer.”

Gasps of horror escaped their mouths. The five of them just stood there, gaping at her for about a minute. Leon was still in a state of shock, while Francesca broke down and started sobbing uncontrollably. Violetta digested this new piece of information, but cancer wasn't something new to her.

“When were you diagnosed?” asked Violetta slowly.

“The reports came in last week. I was supposed to start my radiation treatment today, so I had to cut all my hair,” Bianca explained.

Violetta's expression started changing. “Then you're going to be okay.”

Fran stopped shedding tears and looked up at Vilu. Her face was tear-stained and her makeup was everywhere. “Really?”

“Yeah. Her condition was diagnosed early, so her chances of complete recovery are high.”

“How do you know all this?” Camila asked her.

“My m-mom...well, you know.” Violetta shifted her feet.

There was an awkward silence. Fran, Maxi, Leon and Cami left the room, still trying to process the fact that Bianca had cancer. She and Vilu were now alone in the room. Another awkward silence followed after which Bianca looked up at Violetta.

“I'm really sorry about your mom,” she said.

“Yeah, well. I'm sorry that you're in the same, umm, situation.” Violetta said sadly.

Bianca was unfazed. She didn't seem to care that she might die in a few months' time. “So this is my last week here,” she finally said.

Violetta raised an eyebrow. “What?”

Bianca sighed. “Yeah, I'm going back to New York for my treatment.”

Violetta walked over to her and hugged her. When she pulled away, she said, “Don't you wanna tell the others?”

“I will.”

“When are you going?”


“Today's Monday, right?”


Violetta walked out of the room and a few seconds later, she came in with the others. Bianca told them about her situation. Everyone accepted the fact that she was actually leaving. The next day, they had a going away party for her. After that, the days just whizzed past. On the last day, they all went to the airport to give her a proper goodbye. Hugs were shared, tears were shed, promises were made. Violetta spotted Bianca and Leon in a corner, whispering to each other. A single glistening teardrop fell from Bianca's eye, after which she buried her head in his shoulders. But this time Vilu wasn't jealous. Bianca pulled away from Leon and walked over to Vilu. She wiped her tears and hugged her.

“You guys are made for each other.” she finally said.

Violetta's eyes widened. “What?”

“You and Leon. You guys are so in love, yet you don't admit it.”

“I thought he liked you, you know.”

“I thought so too. But I can see it in his eyes.”

“I'm so sorry.”

“Ah, it's okay. I don't mind. Both of you are such amazing people, I can't be mad at either of you.”

Violetta hugged her again. “Aww, come here,”

Bianca pulled away. “I want you to have this.” She placed a small silver chain with a heart charm on it in Vilu's sweaty palms.

“What is this?” she asked Bianca.

Bianca smiled. “Leon gave this to me, but I don't know if I'll ever live to wear it. Dang it, cancer.”

“I can't.”

“You sure?”


The intercom sounded for all passengers flying to New York. Bianca winked at her before walking away.

Tears slowly made their way out of Vilu's eyes. I'll never forget you, she thought. Never, Bianca. Never.

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