So you don't like her?

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Leon led Violetta into a room filled with different kinds of instruments.

“So, do you play any instruments?” he asked her.

“Yeah, I play the piano.” she replied.

“What about songs? Have you written any?”

“Yeah, a couple. I just started writing one, actually. Here it is, it's not finished yet,” she said, pulling out some sheet music and a page torn out of a book. It had some lyrics on it.

“Sounds good! Let's hear it.” he said.

“Are you sure?” She asked, surprised.

“Mmhmm. Go on,” he said, pointing at the piano.

“Well okay...”

She walked over to the piano and began playing and singing.

“Si es que no puedes hablar,

No te atrevas a volver.

Si te quieres ocultar, 

Tal vez te podria haber. 

Y el amor,

Que no sabe a quien y que, 

Hablarà si tu verdad, 

Te abrazaré otra vez... 

Habla si puedes,

Grita que sientes, 

Dime a quien quieres, 

Y te hace feliz.”

She hit every note and her voice was clear and beautiful.

“Wow, that was awesome! You have an amazing voice.” said Leon, awestruck.

Violetta blushed. “Thank you.”

“I guess you already have it all down for the audition. How about we go out to get some ice-cream? We have a LOT of catching up to do.” he suggested.

“Don't you have classes? And what about your girlfriend?” Violetta asked.

“I do, but they're all in the afternoon. And luckily, she's got classes in the morning. So, you up for it?” he said.

“You don't sound like you're actually in love with her.” Violetta remarked.

“ be're right. I'm not. See, my dad and her dad are business partners and they're also good friends. They just EXPECT us to get along and date each other. I just don't wanna upset my dad, that's all.” he said sadly.

“I don't mean to be disrespectful to your dad or anything, but it's YOUR life. I mean, you should get to date the person you want to, you know?” Violetta said, trying to make him feel better. “Hey, let's go get some ice-cream. Trust me, it'll help you forget all this.”

Leon laughed. “Okay. C'mon, I know a great little place only a few blocks from here. It's small, but their stuff tastes out of this world.”

"Alright then!" Violetta grabbed her bag and they got out of the studio. They walked to the ice-cream parlor and on their way there, they talked about all the stuff that happened in the past eight years.

“ then, when Ludmila opened her locker, the bucket tipped and all the water fell on her. You should have seen the hissy fit she had after.” said Leon, laughing, as he held the door of the store open for Violetta.

Violetta was also laughing. “Wow, Camila's a genius!”

They walked over to a table and Leon pulled out a chair for her.He's such a gentleman, she thought.

“So what flavor do you want?” he asked her.

“Surprise me,” she replied coyly.

“Be right back, then,” he laughed.

He's so nice, so sweet. And SO cute. I mean, his eyes, they're so beautiful. I could stare at them all day – Violetta stop! Why are you suddenly attracted to him? You two practically grew up together, you're like brother and sister! She told herself in her head.

Leon returned with two bowls of ice-cream.

“I got you cookie dough,” he said, “I remember it used to be your favorite back then.”

“It still is, I can't believe you remembered!” she said, surprised. “This IS delicious.”

“I know, right?” said Leon.

They continued talking and laughing. They finished their ice-cream and left the store, and while walking back to the studio, Leon suddenly said, “I thought about what you said, and you're right. I'm gonna talk to my dad and break up with Lara as soon as I can.”

“What? Leon, it was just a suggestion...” Violetta began.

“And it was a good one.” he interrupted. “I can't do this anymore. I can't keep pretending I love her.”

“Do whatever you think is right.” said Violetta.

Leon hugged her. “Thanks for everything.”

Violetta hugged back. “I should be thanking you.”

The two of them didn't realize that they were being watched by a certain blonde-haired someone. “Well, this is interesting,” Ludmila said to herself.

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