New alliances

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(A/N: Thank you guys so much for being so patient and for all the supportive comments! Hope you enjoy this one :D)

A week later, the studio was buzzing with excitement. The big show was drawing nearer, and to top it off, Ludmila was being nice for once. She (with Naty by her side, obviously) walked up to the gang.

"Hello, compadres!" She announced, flipping her hair.

"Hey Ludmila." Said Vilu with a forced smile. Everybody else just looked at her weirdly.

"So I'm throwing this party tonight, and you guys HAVE to come!" She said.

"You're inviting US?" Cami asked in disbelief.

"Uh-huh, totes! See you there!" She said before turning on her 6-inch stiletto heel and sashaying off.

"We're not going, are we?" Leon asked.

"Nah," Fran assured him.

"Why, do you have other plans tonight?" Marco asked her.

"No, but I'd rather stay home on a Saturday night than go to HER party," Fran replied.

"Yeah, me too." Maxi said, adjusting his baseball cap.

Marco sighed. "Cmon guys, give her a chance. Who knows, maybe it'll be fun."

Vilu nodded. "He's right. We should go."

"Fine, whatever." Cami said. "But I doubt it's going to be any fun. For all we know, it's a trick to humiliate us or something like that. You never know with Ludmila. One minute she's a witch and the next-"

Leon cut her off. "C'mon, Camila, don't be so negative. Marco's right, we should give her a chance."


"Good morning, Mr. Galindo. My name's Jackie, and I'd like to apply for a dance teacher's position here at the studio," said the woman. She looked to be in her late twenties, with her dirty blonde hair up in a tight bun and her hot pink nikes squeaking as she walked up to Pablo's desk in the director's office.

Pablo smiled at her. "Okay, may I have a look at your resumé, please?"

Oh, so THIS is her, Ludmila thought as she stood near the door, eavesdropping. Gosh, her sense of style makes me want to throw up.

"Well, it looks to me like you have quite a lot of experience," he said. Jackie fidgeted with a tassle hanging from her purse, as she smiled nervously.

Ludmila rolled her eyes. She's not best actress in the world, but whatever, she thought.

"Okay, you're hired! But only temporarily. We'll watch your abilities as a teacher for this week, make an evaluation and tell you next week, okay?" Pablo said. Jackie thanked him, flashed him a flirtatious smile and walked out the door.

Just then, Angie walked up to Ludmila.

"Sorry for interrupting, but may ask what you're doing here?" she asked her, tapping her shoulder from behind.

Ludmila turned around and giggled nervously. "Oh, uh, Angie, I was well...uh...I saw Pablo talking to a woman, and I just thought I'd tell you."

Angie raised an eyebrow. "If you really thought that it was important for you to tell me, you should have come to me. Where you were supposed to be. IN MY CLASS."

Ludimila scoffed. "Fine, whatever. But just know, that she was flirting with him." she said, before flipping her blonde hair and sashaying off. Angie stared after her in disbelief.


Later that day, Violetta walked up to Leon.

"Hey, are you busy right now?" she asked him.

"No," He replied. "Why?"

Violetta knotted her fingers together nervously. "I, uh...was wondering if we could practice our routine. You know, because the others are practising at every opportunity they get, and we seem to be lagging behind, and this has to be perfect, so-"

"Sure, of course." Leon interrupted. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Who, me? No, I'm not nervous," She replied, dragging him by the hand before he could notice anything suspicious.

They went into the dance room and turned the music on. As they danced, Violetta suddenly tripped over Leon's foot and fell on him, sending them both crashing to the ground, and they burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Violetta said, unaware of how close their faces were. (A/N: This seems to happen a lot, now doesn't it.)

Leon rolled his eyes. "It's okay, clumsy."

"I'm NOT clumsy." she said, slowly getting off of him. She got up to her feet and offered a hand to help.

"Whatever." Leon restarted the music. They didn't notice a certain someone standing near the doorway, watching them. They continued dancing, unaware of this person's presence.

Ludmila saw him watching Leon and Violetta. "Are you spying on them?"

"'Spying' is a strong word, don't you think?" he replied.

Ludmilla shrugged. "Whatever you say. You know, I could help you."

"Help doesn't come from Ludmila Ferro unless she gets something in return." He said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, obviously. But don't you worry about that, lover boy. My plan is sort of like a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone kind of thing, so don't you worry your little pea brain about that."

He raised his hands in mock defeat, before adding, "Okay, fine. I'm in. What's the plan?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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