It's OVER!

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 Author's Note: I am SO sorry for not updating the entire week! I was busy with school and stuff. But to make up for it, here's a long chapter for you guys! Hope you like it!

Leon and Violetta walked back to the studio. They reached the entrance and saw Lara standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

“Where WERE you? I thought you were helping her with the audition. The next thing I know, you're out roaming the streets with her!” Lara screamed. People started looking at them weirdly. Violetta was just standing there, wide-eyed.

“Lara, you're making a scene. Let's go talk about this somewhere in private,” Leon pleaded.

“No! Tell me, what were you two doing?” Lara continued.

Leon cringed. “Hey, I'll see you later,” he told Violetta. He walked past Lara into the building. She turned on her heel and stomped after him, screeching “Answer me!”

“Fine, then!” shouted Leon, who was now furious. They both walked into the music room and slammed the door shut.

“I told you, Lara, she's an old friend of mine. We just went out to get some ice-cream, that's all. Why are you so bossy and demanding? Don't you trust me?” asked Leon.

Lara scoffed. “Really? That's all you did? What about all that other stuff you guys talked about? It's not like I don't trust you. It's her I don't trust, and-”

Leon cut her off. “You've only just met her. Don't judge her like that!” he said, defending Violetta.

“Oh yeah? Well, she talked you into breaking up with me. You two were hugging!” Lara retorted.

“Can't two friends hug-” said Leon but he stopped when he processed what Lara had just told him. “How do you know all that? Who told you?”

Lara's face turned white. “N-n-n-nobody.”

“Tell me, how do you know? Were you following us?” Leon was shocked.

“No, it's- ugh fine! Ludmila was eavesdropping on your conversation and she told me everything!” Lara spat.

“So you believed her? And you said you trusted me.” Leon was still in shock.

“It doesn't matter. Did you or did you not tell her you were gonna break up with me?” Lara asked. She was boiling and almost in tears.

“I-I did. But clearly, this argument gives me another reason to break up with you.” Leon said.

“Are you saying it's over then?”

“Lara. Just stop for a second and think. Did you ever really love me? If you did, look me in the eye and tell me. Honestly.” Leon said.

“I...well...I...n-no. I did it because my dad said you liked me.” Lara stammered, dropping her gaze.

“So can we at least call it quits and stop arguing for once?” Leon asked, his mood changing.

“Okay.” Lara replied, whose expression was also becoming less murderous.

“Friends, then?” said Leon, holding out his hand.

“Friends.” Lara said, smiling as she shook his hand.

The two of them walked out of the music room grinning. Lara spotted a friend in another part of the corridor and rushed to talk to her.

Meanwhile, Maxi saw their smiling faces and grew suspicious. He walked up to Leon. “So, you two broke up? Because you seem a little TOO happy.”

“As a matter of fact, we did! How'd you know I was happy 'cause of that?” asked Leon in surprise.

“I'm your best friend. I just KNOW.” said Maxi.

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