Special connection

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Leon and Violetta separated awkwardly, and both their faces were redder than ever. They were staring at their feet, until Leon broke the silence.

“So, ahem...I'd better go. I have some brainstorming to do, you know, about the song.” He said, getting up.

Vilu also stood up. “Yeah, me too. See you tomorrow, then.”


They parted ways. Violetta went home. She couldn't stop smiling. She walked into her house with a dazed-but-happy look. Ramallo looked at her questioningly, and he was going to ask her about it, but Olga stopped him. “Let her be, she's drunk in love,” she said, sighing happily.

After dinner, Violetta lay in her bed, still thinking about the kiss, when another thought occurred to her. Leon and I kissed. I'm going out with Diego on Friday. Oh no, I have to talk about this to Leon. But what will he say? What am I going to do? As these questions floated aimlessly through her head, Violetta drifted off to sleep.

While asleep, she had the strangest dream. Leon and her were singing an slow, amazing love song, the lyrics were just beautiful. They were wearing fancy clothes and dancing along to the song. They were singing it to each other. It went something like this:

Tanto tiempo caminando junto a ti

Aun recuerdo el dia que te conocí

El amor en mi nacio,

Tu sonrisa me enseño,

Tras las nubes siempre vastar, el sol

Te confieso que sentino se seguir

Luz en el camino tu eres para mi

Desde que mi alma te vio,

Tu dulzura me envolvio,

Si estoy contigo se detiene el reloj

Los sentimos los dos,

El corazón nos hablo

Y al oido suave nos susurro...

Queiro mirarte, queiro soñarte

Vivir contigo cada instante

Queiro abrazarte, queiro besarte,

Queiro tenerte junto a mi

Pues amor es lo que siento,

Eres todo para mi

Queiro mirarte, queiro soñarte

Vivir contigo cada instante

Queiro abrazarte, queiro besarte,

Queiro tenerte junto a mi

Tu eres lo que necessito, pues lo que siento es...


En tus ojos veo el mundo de color

En tus brazos descubri yo el amor

¿Verá en mi ella lo mismo?

¿Querra el estar conmigo?

Dime que tu lates por mi tambien

Los sentimos los dos,

El corazón nos hablo

Y al oido suave nos susurro...

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