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“Hi, welcome to the studio!” said Lara, flashing a smile that clearly was fake.

“Hey, and thanks,” said Violetta, fake-smiling back.

The awkward silence was interrupted by a high-pitched screaming of a girl.

“Natalia, what part of 'non-fat, decaf, soy milk frappucchino' do you not understand?”

This girl had blonde hair, wore sparkly clothes and had a designer purse. She was holding a Starbucks cup in her hand.What a diva, Violetta thought.

The diva was shouting at another girl, who was shorter and had curly black hair.

“Every part of it,” mumbled the shorter girl (apparently named Natalia).

“What was that?” said the diva.

“N-n-nothing. I'm so sorry Ludmi, I'll get you the right one, here, give it to me-”

“No. I'm not in the mood for a drink now. Out of the way people, supernova coming through!” said the diva (apparently named Ludmi).

The crowd parted and made way for her and her sidekick. The two girls approached Violetta and the others. “Hello, losers,” she addressed them. She gave Violetta a once-over and strutted off. Violetta caught Maxi staring at Natalia , who was blushing.

As soon as Ludmi and Natalia were out of sight, Camila said, “So she, as you may have noticed, is the queen bee of studio on beat. Her name's Ludmila, and she's a pain in the neck.” Violetta laughed.

“Glad I didn't have to introduce HER,” said Leon to Violetta. “Honestly, I-”

“Leon! We have to go work on that new song for Angie's assignment!” Lara interrupted, pulling his arm. She was glaring at Violetta jealously.

“Hold on a minute. Besides, that assignment is only due next week. We have loads of time.” Said Leon.

“Oh that's cool, you're in Angie's class?” asked Violetta.

“How do YOU know Angie?” asked Francesca in surprise.

”Well, she's my aunt.” replied Vilu.

“Wow, really? That's so cool!” said Fran.

Just then Angie walked over to them. “Vilu, looks like you've made friends already! How are your songs coming along guys?”

Lara spoke before any of them could. “I tried to tell Leon, but he's not taking it seriously!” she whined.

Violetta spoke next. “Angie, I already know Leon from when I was little. We used to be best friends when I was living here in Buenos Aires!”

“That's great! Leon can show you around and even help you with the auditions, then! I'm sure he won't mind, would you Leon?” Angie asked him.

“No, not at all!” he replied.

“Great! Now, you three, about the month-end showcase...” she said, gesturing for Fran, Cami and Maxi to come with her as she was walking away.

“Well then, we'd better go, Violetta! We've got a lot to do!” Leon said, taking Vilu's hand. Violetta felt something funny in her stomach, like butterflies. As they were walking away, she looked at Lara over her shoulder. She was fuming.

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