I know you!

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“Vilu?” said the voice.

Violetta turned around in surprise and saw her. Angie. She was her aunt, and she was the closest person to a mother to her. She hadn't seen her for about two years. Angie was a music teacher at “studio on beat”, a music school. The students were on tour, and she was very busy, so they couldn't meet.

“Oh my god! You're here!” she said.

“Angie!” cried Violetta. “It's been so long!”

The two of them rushed towards each other and hugged. “Hey, I still exist, you know!” said German, and they group hugged. Vilu and Angie started catching up on missed events from the past two years and kept talking throughout the car ride to Angie's apartment. They would be staying there until they found a house of their own.

“So how was the tour with all the students from the studio?” Vilu asked Angie.

Angie said, “It was amazing! Hey, speaking of the studio, what happened to your music studies?”

“Well, I dropped out of music school after mom...” Vilu's voice trailed off.

“Oh. I have an idea! How about you enroll in the studio! You're a great singer, Vilu! It'll really help! What do you think, German?” Angie exclaimed.

“What?” said Vilu.

“Yeah, that's a great idea! Besides, what are you going to do, sitting at home all day? You can make new friends. It'll be great exposure for your singing too!” her father said.

Violetta was reluctant. “Umm...well...okay.”

“Angie was overjoyed. “Yes!” she cried. “You know what? I'll take you to the studio tomorrow so we can apply, and I can introduce you to the students. Almost all of them are your age, and they're really nice.”

This seemed to lift Violetta's mood and she was really excited to go to the studio. They reached Angie's apartment and they started to unpack.

The next day, Violetta woke up early, showered and got dressed. She did her hair and makeup, and went into the kitchen.

“Wow, you look great, Vilu!” said Angie.

“Thanks! You do too!” She replied.

“Thank you! Are you ready to go, then?” Angie asked.

“Yeah, let's go!” Violetta said excitedly.

They drove to the studio and when they got there, Violetta was awestruck. The building was big and colorful, and she could hear music from inside it. She was gazing around as she walked inside, and she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw a tall boy who seemed to be her age. He had brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. He's cute, she thought. He looked familiar.

“Whoops! I'm sorry I didn't see you there-” he stopped mid-sentence.

“Hey, don't I know you?”

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