New people, new feelings.

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*time lapse to about a month later*

Dear Diary,

It feels like only yesterday Bianca came to the studio. At this point, our little group is closer than ever. Fran, Cami, Maxi, Leon and me. And Bianca. Yeah, Leon and her are what you would call 'in a relationship' and I've tried to move on. Maybe I need to be with someone to help me forget. Gosh, I don't know. We'll see.

Violetta walked to the studio. It was another regular weekday. The winter had set in, and it was very windy. She was all bundled up in a million layers, and as she wrapped her jacket tighter around herself, she remembered the night when Leon had come to her house. The time when Bianca wasn't there. Leon's GIRLFRIEND. She was very sweet and down to earth, and Vilu couldn't help but like her. But that was the truth she hated to admit to herself. She was lost in her thoughts and finally snapped out of her thoughts when the colorful studio building caught her eye. There was a huge banner in front of the studio that said, 'Welcome to OnBeat Buenos Aires!'

Violetta walked into the building, and the first person she saw was Francesca.

"Hey Vilu!" said Fran, whose face lit up after seeing Violetta.

"Hey Fran." said Vilu.

"Hey guys!" Bianca chirped as she walked in through the entrance. "Did you see the banner outside?" Her hair was a lot shorter, just brushing her shoulders. Fran was shocked at this new development.

"Yeah," said Violetta, suddenly realizing the change. "Wow...your hair... it's umm...cute!"

"Aw, thanks Vilu!" She smiled. She looked paler than usual.

"Hi everyone!" said Camila as she walked in through the door. She was happier, now that she was with Maxi, who was walking right behind her. They had started going out only a week ago.

"Here's the happy couple!" said Fran, grinning.

Just then Leon walked in. "Hey people! Uh...your's uh...short?" he asked Bianca as his arm snaked around her shoulder. Violetta winced.

"Here's the other happy couple!" said Maxi, to which Cami gently nudged him. "What?" Maxi whispered defensively and Cami pointed at Vilu.

"It's just a new look, nothing, really." said Bianca.

"Well, you look really pale, are you alright?" asked Fran, concerned for her cousin.

"Relax, I'm fine." Bianca reassured her. "Let's go, Pablo said he had a special announcement to make."

The gang made their way to the classroom and took their seats. The rest of the class had just assembled, when Pablo walked into the room.

"Now you guys may be wondering why there's a banner outside." he smiled pleasantly. After he started going out with Angie, things at the studio had never been better.

"Yeah!" everyone said, and discussions erupted in every part of the room.

"Quiet please. Now, the reason we have that banner outside, is because we have two very special guests who are going to join us until the month-end showcase. I'd like to welcome the students from OnBeat Mexico City and Madrid!"

Two boys walked into the room. One of them was tall and slim, with messy hair and kind eyes. The other guy was slightly shorter and dressed like a biker, with a leather jacket and black jeans. He had a rugged expression, but he seemed nice.

"This is Diego," Pablo said, pointing to the biker boy. "He's from OnBeat Spain. This is Marco," He said as he pointed to the nice looking guy. "He's from OnBeat Mexico." Violetta caught Fran staring at Marco, who was staring right back. The both of them seemed to be blushing. Vilu smiled to herself.

"Okay, now I'm going to need two people to volunteer to show these two around. Fran? Will you be Marco's tour guide?" asked Pablo.

"YEAH! I mean...ahem...Sure, yeah." Fran said, leaping out of her seat.

"Great! Now, Diego...How about you be his guide, Vilu?"

"Yeah," said Vilu. She looked at Diego, who was grinning at her.

"Okay guys, since the exchange students just came, I'm going to give all of you the day off, to get acquainted with them. Have fun!" said Pablo, walking out of the classroom.

Soon after, Fran and Marco left, both smiling wide. Camila and Maxi also walked off to spend some alone time together. Violetta was now in the room alone with Bianca, Leon and Diego. Just then, Bianca's phone rang. "I gotta take this. Be right back!" she said, kissing Leon's cheek before she left to answer the call.

Vilu turned to Diego. "Well, Diego, I'm Violetta. I-"

"And I'M Leon, nice to meet you." Leon said, not letting her finish.

"Hi, I'm Diego, nice to meet you!" said Diego, looking weirdly at Leon.

An awkward silence ensued, which was broken by Violetta. "Hey,I was in Madrid too!"

"Wow really? Where did you live?" Diego asked her enthusiastically. The two of them walked out of the room, chatting. Leon was now alone. He didn't now why, but he felt a slight discomfort and maybe got a little mad when he saw Diego walk away with Vilu. Why do I feel this way? He thought to himself. Am I...JEALOUS?

Maybe you are, Leon. Maybe a teeny, tiny little bit.

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