Chapter 29: Prohibited

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Just when I was so sure of the choices I will make, unexpected things happen.

Mom's in a critical condition. Different tubes and lines are connected to her as she lies on the hospital bed, looking so hopeless. The doctor said she experienced ischemic stroke, the one where a clot has clogged a blood vessel near the brain.

"The situation is under control, for now, Mr. Park," I heard the doctor tell Dad as we were watching out for Mom outside the Intensive Care Unit.

Dad nodded. "When is she going to wake up, doc?" He asked.

I bit my lip as I watched Mom inside that darned room, helpless and weak.

"I am not certain of that yet, Mr. Park. Her condition is still critical. For now, her vital signs are all stable. She seemed to be responding to the treatment very well. But we can't be so sure. We're still going to place the client in close monitoring."

Those were the last words I heard from the doctor before hearing Eunjae's break down. Out of all of us, Eunjae was the closest to Mom. She's also Mom's favorite, that's why.

I hate this forming feeling in my chest. My heart is constricting and it gets harder to breathe every moment. This is my entire fault.

I have never been good enough as a daughter—I've never realized this until now. Sure, I obeyed everything they told me to, even left the love of my life for them, but it will never be worth it. Everything I did will never be enough.

"You!" Eunjae pointed her finger at me, mad and frustrated.

I bit my lip and decided to just let her vent out her anger at me. This is my fault, anyways. If I hadn't yelled at mom, if I hadn't been so stubborn, if only I had listened...nothing like this would happen.

I can just imagine Mom's smiling face this morning. She's happy when she knew I had a boyfriend. She's so happy when Jinwoo came by.

I wanted her to be happy that way but it seemed to be all wrong. She's being happy for all the wrong reasons, that's why I felt the need to correct her. I don't want her to be happy with fallacies. I want her to know the truth and learn to be happy for it.

"You are the sole reason why Mom is like this!" Eunjae yelled at me.

Dad and Eunpyo are holding her down but she's yanking every hand that touches her. She's wild because she's hurt and mad.

Eunkyu and Eunhyuk walked to my side and tried to protect me from Eunjae who's raging right now. She looks like she can't be tamed.

"Eunjae!" Eunhyuk's authoritative voice echoed the whole corridor. "Calm the fuck down!"

Eunjae stopped but is still glaring at me. "You take her out of this place before I could kill that bitch!" She yelled back.

"Eunjae!" Eunkyu yelled back. "How dare you call Eunhye noona a bitch?!" He hollered.

I can feel his grip on me tighten. I've never seen Eunkyu mad. He's always happy and jolly. He never talks back, not even when he's right. But right now, he's mad. He just shouted. I couldn't help but shiver at the impact of his voice.

Eunjae glared at us. "She's the reason why Mom is in coma right now. Because she's a damn mistress! She thinks so high of herself when, in reality, she's a fucking prosti—"

Eunjae was cut when Dad's hand landed on her cheek. "Don't you dare call your sister like that!" He yelled at her.

Eunjae looked at Dad with tears in her eyes. She's mad and I can see her clenched fists.

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