Chapter 6: Welcome to my company

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I cried the whole day at a park I passed by when I left Nildex. I didn't care if people give me weird glances and sympathetic stares. My heart is breaking and I don't have anyone to blame other than myself.

I have been away for too long. Four long years. All these times, I have only been thinking of how Jongin could forgive me when we meet again. I have always thought of how I could have him back to me. I have always thought of how he would be able to find someone else to have apart from me.

I may have hurt him a little too much for him to look for someone else to love.

Or maybe he stopped loving me when I left? I don't know. It doesn't matter anyway.

I went home very late and just thought of the best excuse to tell my parents when they woke up. At least I applied at Nildex. I'm not expecting to get hired, though. I'm even thinking if I really want to work there.

Sure, I want Jongin back but if he has someone else, is it fair to have him back for myself?

I sure am so in love with him but I'm no martyr. I would stop if I had to.

"Noona, where did you go last night?" Eunkyu asked me when we were all eating breakfast.

My parents looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I smiled. "I applied for jobs the whole day. Then I ate dinner with friends." A lie I'd apologize for when they knew about the truth. "In fact, I'll go out again today." I smiled as I ate like I am fine.

Dad nodded. "You tried to go to Nildex?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes, I went there first, Dad." But I'm wishing they won't call me back. I could endure the pain but not the sight.

"That's good!" Mom beamed. "You need to get in."

I nodded and just ate in silence. My siblings are looking at me like they pity me over this shit. Well, they need be thankful that they're not the first born.

"I hope, Mom." I hope not.

We ate in joy...or my parents alone were feeling the happiness and contentment.

"Mom, I want a condo unit for my birthday." Eunhyuk stated.

Mom and Dad looked at him. I did, too.

"I'm in my final year in college. I can handle myself. And besides, you told me you'd let me move out when I'm legal. I'm more than legal." Eunhyuk added.

I bit my lip and waited for my parents' response.

I heard Mom's heavy sigh. "Alright. On your birthday." She said.

Eunhyuk smiled at Mom's remark. I wanted to protest. When I was his age, I wanted a flat, too! But they refused to give me!

"Thanks, Mom!" Eunhyuk beamed.

Mom started to give him the rules if he ever lives alone. Rules that I never had existed in this world. My mother is one crazy woman.

After breakfast, I started to look for more company positions for me. I applied to seven different companies until I noticed that it's already time for dinner.

My phone rang. It was Jaeun.

"Are you in V Mall right now?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied as I looked for a restaurant to eat in. I'm looking for a different one—one where I won't be thinking about Kim Jongin, or anything that we did before.

"Cool! We're inside HapChan!" She beamed. "We saw you walking, looking for some place to eat, I guess? Are you with someone?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm looking for some place to eat. No. I'm alone." I replied as I tried to look for HapChan. When I finally saw it, I saw Jaeun and Myungsoo, sitting on a table near the glass wall. Jaeun's waving at me.

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