Chapter 15: Who You Belong To

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Jongin stood up and smiled at my members. I could almost see the three girls' eyes glisten at the sight of him. "How are you here?" He asked casually.

The girls' cheeks blushed as they heard Jongin's voice while the boys just smiled at him.

"We're good, Mr. Kim." It was Eunkwang who answered Jongin's question. I have a feeling that he's the only one who could talk right now. "Miss Eunhye delegates the works well." He chuckled.

Jongin smiled and looked at me. I tried hard not to look away because I know that it would just attract questions and attention. "Only the best for the company." He said and chuckled as well. He turned to me again before smiling at them. "By the way, I just came by to tell your head about some important matters. I'll leave you now." He smiled. "Have a good day." He looked at me before walking through the door.

My members all bowed.

"Have a good day as well, Mr. Kim." Jiyoon shyly said before Jongin opened the door. He nodded.

Just as the door shut, I heard heavy breaths from my members. The girls were screaming with eyes wide open while the boys seemed to have lost their energies.

"I thought we're dead." Sungjae beamed.

"Me too! Why is the CEO here by the way? He never comes inside offices." Changseob asked with shock still evident in his face.

Eunkwang was holding onto his chest. "Not unless he's going to fire someone!" He exclaimed.

I looked at them, curious and confused of what they're talking about. "Is he a snob?" I asked them and they all looked at me, shocked of what I just blurted.

Jiyoon grinned. "Miss Eunhye, the CEO never comes to the office just to make sure everything's right. One thing is for sure, when he comes to the office, it's a serious issue." She spoke.

I stared at them. I hope they're not thinking about anything. Jongin is still connected to Gil Raya. He still is in a relationship with him. And I don't want to be involved with him when he's still tied.

I tried to change the topic and it worked. They all resumed to their designated works as I did mine, too.

Not long after, my phone vibrated.

From: Nildex

I hope I still have my chance.

My heart fell when I read the message. I don't know if it was right that I asked him to break up with his girlfriend. Now, I've realized, if he really wanted to be with me, he's going to break up with her even without me saying. If he really wanted to be with me, he would do things to have me or to make me stay. I didn't have to do something for him. I respect whatever decision he might make.

To: Nildex

Please stop texting me using the company phone number.

If anything, I don't want to be involved in any anomaly in this company. Although it would help me get out of here really fast, I didn't want anything to end dirty.

It was just seconds when I received a message from an unknown number.

Save this number then.

I sighed and shook my head but I saved his personal number. I didn't have to reply or text him because I know that he will be the one doing those stuffs.

And I was right. It's been a week since he's been texting me using his personal number. He texts me every morning, every eating time and every night. It was his routine.

To Make You Come Back To Me (EXO's KAI FANFICTION) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now