Chapter 11: Dance with me

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I felt so comfortable talking to Jinwoo. I don't know why there's something so warm about him that I couldn't resist talking to him.

He's told me so many stories about his life and sometimes, about the company. I'm so amazed at how he knows a lot about Nildex when he's only here for mere four years. Maybe I would be so familiar with the company if I stay longer, too.

I saw Kim Jongin and his cousins talking to some bigtime guests. I silently prayed that he wouldn't see me. I don't want to experience his intense stares right now. I looked away just as I noticed him looking at my direction.

"I hope you enjoy your first dinner in Nildex." Jinwoo smiled as we finished our meal. Like the extravagance of this dinner, the foods were all good and expensive, based on how each plate was presented.

I smiled and nodded. "It was nicer with you." I chuckled.

He bit his lip and smiled. "I know right." He beamed.

I smiled and looked around the employees who are having fun with each other. I wonder why Jinwoo didn't head off to his table with his members. I asked him about that a while ago but he just told me that they are all crowded in there. I didn't ask further. I am enjoying his company anyway.

My phone vibrated.

From: Kim Hana

Where are you? We're all here waiting for you.

I pursed my lips and typed in my reply.

To: Kim Hana

I'm still at the company dinner. Give me 30 minutes more.

I pressed send and looked up at Jinwoo who was staring at me. He smiled when our eyes met. I cannot deny the fact that his eyes are so expressive. It's like anyone could get lost in his stare once one catches and gets indulged in it. There's a twinkle in his eyes that makes everyone's heart leap.

"I'm leaving." I told him. "Thanks for the company, Jinwoo." I smiled as I fixed my things.

He frowned at me as he looked at his watch. "This early?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. "I'm supposed to meet my friends tonight." I told him.

"Girls?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes. Girls." I chuckled.

He nodded and helped me as I stood up. "I'll walk you to your car." He offered.

I shook my head. "I'm good. You stay here." I told him.

He was about to protest but I shook my head.

"You stay. Thank for the company, Jinwoo. I'll see you around the building." I told him as I waved and walked towards the entrance.

I talked to the valet and waited for my car. I can't wait to meet my friends. It feels like forever. And now, I could feel freer. I could release these emotions inside.

I drove to the bar Ashin texted me. No boys tonight. I guess, we'll have a lot of fun.

I parked my car and walked to the back door.

"ID please." The bouncer extended his hand in front of me.

I looked into my bag and showed him my company ID. He nodded at me and made way. I sighed and walked inside.

I searched for my friends from the swarm of people dancing and getting wasted in the dance floor. If they are waiting for me, then, I believe that they are in the couch and peacefully drinking.

To Make You Come Back To Me (EXO's KAI FANFICTION) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now