Chapter 22: Official

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I stayed with Jongin in his office the whole afternoon that day. I tried to ponder on the topic about our picture but he doesn't give me a clear answer.

He sighed and looked at me as he made me sit on his desk. His arms are both on my sides, trapping me in between.

I could feel his breath close to my lips. I stared into his eyes and was lost right on the spot. "I just want to know what you would do." I told him as I bit my lip.

He looked down at my lips before staring back into my eyes. "I would do everything to keep you. That's my plan." He said as he planted a soft kiss on my lips. "I can lose everything but you. I can't...I can't afford to lose you again."

My heart hammered against my chest as tears are forming at the sides of my eyes. I had an idea that he would tell me this but hearing it from him makes me feel all these pent up emotions coming to life again.

It feels different.

"Did you hear me?" He asked as he caressed my cheeks. "I'd rather lose all the money, all the wealth than lose you. So please, stay with me, Eunhye. Don't ever let go." He whispered as I stared in his eyes.

I bit my lip as my system is being hypnotized in his stare. I nodded and smiled. I couldn't lose him at any cost, too. Maybe this is the time that I need to fight for what I want. I've been living in a life of full directions from other people. I think this is the time that I stand up for what I want to.

Jongin is willing to lose everything for me. I need to stand up and fight for our love, too.

"I'm meeting with Raya's family tomorrow." He told me.

I looked at him, serious and nervous at the same time. "Do you want me to be with you?" I asked him.

He smiled and shook his head. "This is about me and her, Honey. You don't need to come." He replied. "I'm meeting her family with mine. And I don't want to pull you into this mess."

I looked at him, worried about what's going to happen tomorrow. No matter how much he tells me how he doesn't want me pulled into this mess, I already am. When I decided to be with him despite his relationship with Gil Raya, I became a part of this mess.

But I wouldn't insist. I trust that he could do this on his own.

He shut his eyes and planted an adoring kiss on my lips. "I love you. Always remember that." He spoke.

I nodded. Oh, God! I love him more and more.

After office hours, Ashin texted me to meet with the gang for dinner.

From: Kim Ashin

We're all going. Complete. You and Jongin should come.

I looked at Jongin who was loosening his tie after finishing reading all those reports.

To: Kim Ashin

I'll see.

I bit my lip as I sent the message.

"Who are you texting?" Jongin asked me as he sat beside me on the couch, wrapping his arm around my waist and leaning his chin on my shoulder.

I showed him my phone with the thread with Ashin opened. "They're asking if we can eat dinner with them." I smiled.

He looked at me and smirked. "Well, we could. But I would love to have you all for myself tonight." He chuckled as he kissed my earlobe.

I immediately blushed as I heard his words. Memories of that morning where we made love came rushing to my memories.

To Make You Come Back To Me (EXO's KAI FANFICTION) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now