Chapter 24 - A roller coaster

Start from the beginning

Omer hugged Defne at the waist and pulled her to him. He pressed his cheek to her temple, and slowly swaying to the beat of the music, he whispered at the very ear:

- They are also in love.

- Who? - dissolving in his arms, obeying them, and the saxophone in love Defne just as quietly asked.

- The musicians.

His breath warmed her temple. Defne smiled and unknowingly touched a strip of skin between the collar of his shirt and the nape of his neck with her finger. Omer winced but did not pull away. Tickling was pleasant and excited the blood.

- How do you know that they are in love? - leaning back in the ring of his arms and looking at his beloved face, she asked.

- To play, as if they are one and the music is their continuation, can only lovers.

He looked at her as if there was nobody else in the whole world. Like she is the water in the desert, a sunbeam breaking through the clouds after a storm, food for a starving man. So, as if she is his whole life.

Fikret sat at a table in the corner and watched the couple dance. Defne's gesture, when she ran her finger along Omer's neck, didn't go unnoticed by her. As well as the response of Omer.

Once, removing a fallen leaf, she also touched his neck, and he staggered back as if a snake had touched him. And now...

Inside resentment and anger boiled. Why Defne? Why? She lied, fooled him, betrayed him, but he looks at her as an icon. Why does she, Fikret, who supported him in a difficult moment of life, he barely tolerates? Is this fair? Upon learning that Passionis will participate in the fair, she rushed here across the ocean. From the gossipy Derya, who always bowed to the world star Fikret Galo and was in seventh heaven with the happiness that the famous couturier called her, an ordinary assistant, she asked what hotel Omer would stay in and ordered a room in it herself. Having stepped on her pride, she found out from the same Derya about her boss's daily routine and his meetings. She came here alone and, like a fool, spent the whole evening alone at the table. And he didn't even notice. But what did he even notice besides his plain girl from a neighborhood whom he had elevated to the rank of a queen? Nothing! And nobody! How sickening....


Iplikci returned to their room closer to midnight. Defne, who from this long and eventful day was very tired, looked at Omer. He looked thoughtful. She threw off her shoes and went barefoot to him. She pressed her hand to the dark stubble on his cheek and, looking into his eyes, asked:

- What's the matter? Thinking of Fikret's offer?

He nodded and pressed his cheek against her palm.

- The offer is good. I understand that with my mind. But something inside is stopping me.

- Intuition? Asked Defne softly.

"The reason coming from the heart," he recalled her words.

She smiled and pulled his hand toward the sofa. Omer took off his jacket, threw it on the back, and loosened his tie. Sitting on the sofa, he reached for Defne. She obediently moved closer, pulled up her bare feet under herself, and laid her head on his shoulder.

"But you don't have to work with her," remarked reasonably. "Your shoes are ready." If she wants to sew clothes for them - let her sew. Darling, her name will attract new investors and new donations. Because of our insults and ambitions, we cannot deprive sick people of hope. After all, every money is the minutes and hours of someone's life.

Omer felt warmth in his chest. His merciful angel. This is the whole of Defne - for the sake of others who need help, she agrees to forget her grievances and sacrifice her peace of mind.

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