Chapter 31

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After a long, tiresome journey that Draco tried his hardest to sleep through, the Weasley managed to get them into Improper Use. Following a rushed explanation of his predicament, they were directed to a woman named Suzanna Peterson, a doddery old lady that had to be at least ninety years old. She peered at Draco over her overlarge spectacles, muttered something that sounded shockingly rude for such an ancient woman, and gave an excessively large sigh.

"On the floor," she demanded. "I won't have you messing up my desk."

As far as Draco could tell, transforming on her pile of papers would only improve the organization of them, but he obeyed anyway because he was getting quite impatient. Being a dragon wasn't all fun and games.

Suzanna pointed her wand at him suddenly, and he nearly jumped out of the way by pure instinct. His heart was pounding so hard that he didn't hear her incant, but she must have because he felt the familiar, uncomfortable sensation that accompanied transformation. And, suddenly, he was finally back to normal.

"Malfoy! It's you!" he heard Weasley exclaim.

Draco leveled an even gaze at the red-head. "Quite. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to Hogwarts."


Harry carefully stowed the vials of the silvery, incandescent substance in his trunk where he hoped no one would discover them. It had been difficult deciding what memories he was going to use, but he had finally gotten a combination with which he was happy. Now all that was left was-

"Draco!" Ron exclaimed, bursting into the room, startling Harry badly.

"Ron! I could have broken these!" Harry said crossly. "What about Draco?" he continued, not daring to hope.

Ron grinned at him. "Good news, mate. Charlie just sent me a patronus from the Ministry, and he said Draco's with him. He's completely safe - they're just questioning him to find out what happened."

Harry scrambled to his feet, joy flaring in his chest. He rushed out the door, Ron close behind him. "Charlie? Why's Charlie with him?" he asked, running through the halls. Ron, panting, replied, "I have no idea. He didn't tell me any details. He just thought you'd want to know that Draco was safe."

They didn't talk anymore, and within minutes they reached McGonagall's office, nearly bumping into the headmistress herself as she exited. She blinked at them in surprise. "Don't tell me you already know," she said crossly. "Honestly, you two, what's the point of being the head of this school if my students know everything before me?" she continued to rant while ushering them inside and throwing floo powder into the fireplace.

"Go on," she said. "It's better if I send you myself instead of finding out a couple of hours later that you broke into the Ministry."

Harry stepped in straight away, loudly enunciating "Ministry of Magic." As he was whisked away, he heard Ron ask McGonagall to send Hermione too.


Draco, unfortunately, was not allowed to go to Hogwarts immediately. Instead, he was dragged off to the Auror department, Weasley insisting on tagging along. There, he was interrogated about where he had been, what had happened, who his kidnapper was, and how he had escaped. Draco answered each question thoroughly but quickly grew bored.

"How did you get out of the house?" the man asked.

"I asked her for a book that taught me how to become an animagus, did the steps, and transformed into a dragon. I knew that would be my form since we brewed the potion in Professor Snape's class. Then, I flew out the window until I found a village," Draco answered in a monotone voice.

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