Chapter 19

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Their second kiss was even better. Their third was by far the best. And their fourth made Draco rethink his previous sentiment.

"Harry," Draco murmured into the other boy's mouth. Their fifth kiss was chaste, sweet even. They were taking the time to just explore and feel, to experience but not get lost in the sensations.

"Yes?" Harry asked, sounding very uninterested in holding a conversation. Not that Draco wanted to either, after knowing what that mouth was capable of.

Harry broke the kiss, pulling away to reveal very red, swollen lips and eyes dark with lust. Draco couldn't resist stealing one more kiss.

But that one turned heated very fast, tongues tangling and fighting, moving against each other in tandem. Harry tugged at Draco's hair very suddenly, eliciting a gasp and allowing the brunet to take control. He dove in, exploring every inch of Draco's hot mouth hungrily.

Only moments later, they broke apart again, both panting and flushed with pleasure.

"Draco," Harry said, very throaty and rough. The sound shot straight to Draco's crotch, and he had to hold back a groan. Harry leaned closer again, but this time his mouth found a new target. When he felt the heat of Harry's tongue searing his neck, Draco really did moan. Encouraged by the noise, Harry continued his assault rather vigorously.

Licking and sucking and biting his way down Draco's neck, Harry made sure to linger in all the most tortuous places, then retraced his path back up the pale stretch of skin. By the time he got to Draco's jaw, Draco was extremely aroused, almost painfully so.

"Harry," he insisted, firmer this time. Harry pulled back, a confused expression on his otherwise sinfully sexy face. He looked thoroughly debauched, and Draco delighted in wondering what he would look like post-sex.

"Is something wrong?" Worry was evident on the Gryffindor's face. Even after so long, and so much, he still wore his heart on his sleeve.

Draco smiled reassuringly. "No, of course not. But..." he hesitated, "I don't think we should go any further."

"Why not?" Hurt flitted across Harry's face, and Draco wanted to hug him and tell him, or rather show him, exactly how much he desperately wanted this to continue.

"Because," he said gently, "I want to take this slow. You're not some little fling, or passing dalliance. I want to prove to you how much this means to me. I'm not in it for the sex."

Harry smiled briefly, warmly, but then gave him a searching look. "And you're sure this has nothing to do with our last encounter? Because I told you, I sorted myself out. I'm prepared now."

Draco sighed. "I know, Harry. But, I never want you to feel pressured into doing something before you're comfortable doing it. I don't want to see you run away from me again." He frowned, looking at the ground. He hated that he had caused the brunet distress, and silently vowed to do everything in his power to ensure it never happened again.

Harry narrowed his eyes. "I'm not scared." He stated firmly. Draco began to shake his head. "No, I didn't mean to imply you were, I just-"

"Didn't want to scare me off?" Harry asked bitingly, irritation bleeding through. Draco shook his head more emphatically. The boy was beginning to try his patience, which he did not have a lot of to begin with. "No, Harry, I-"

"You what?" Harry was sounding angrier and angrier by the minute.

"I just wanted to protect you, Potter!" Draco exploded. "Merlin's sake, you make it so damn difficult! I get that you're our indomitable savior, the Boy Who Lived to Help Us All, but can't you let others take care of you for a change? I don't think you're a ninny or a child for being inexperienced! Salazar, everyone with half a brain would realize you never had a moment to yourself to think, let alone gallivant about shagging everyone in sight. For once, Harry, I don't want you to have to rush about like your life is going to end the next day! The Dark Lord is gone, you did your duty, and now you can relax and enjoy life! You took care of the entire Wizarding World, can't you let me take care of you, just in this regard?"

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