Chapter 15

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As Halloween approached, the teachers decided it was an absolutely marvelous idea to drown them in work. Every 5th, 7th, and 8th year spent every last free moment studying and doing homework. Harry was fed up. One particularly lovely afternoon, he was quite unfortunately stuck inside studying in his dorm. Draco was the only other one in the room when Harry suddenly slammed his book shut, causing him to jump in surprise.

"What is it, Harry?" Draco asked exasperatedly. Harry gave him a grin. "Let's go flying. I need a break, and so do you. C'mon, we can have a seeker's game." Draco looked alarmed. "Harry! We can't just go flying, there's so much work to do!" Harry gave him a challenging smirk. "Scared, Malfoy?" He taunted. Draco stared at him for a minute.

"You wish, Potter. Give me a moment to grab my broom and we'll see who's the better seeker." He leapt off the bed gracefully. About ten minutes later, they were walking out onto the Quidditch pitch, laughing and insulting each other playfully. Harry grabbed a spare practice Snitch reserved for Seeker's games, and, after a look at Draco, released it. They counted to five together, then took off at almost the same time.

Harry swooped through the air, circling the pitch out of habit. He laughed, suddenly exhilarated, and flawlessly executed a couple of feints and loops. Suddenly eager to beat Draco, Harry looked around for a flash of gold. There! But, no, that wasn't the Snitch, that was the sun glinting off of Draco's obscenely blonde hair. It wasn't fair how confusingly similar in color it was to the fluttering golden sphere. Harry dragged his eyes away and scanned the pitch once more. Only seconds later, he was distracted yet again by Draco's hair. He pulled his eyes away and tried to concentrate.

"What's wrong, Harry? Lost your touch? Is this what Gryffindor's prized Seeker has been reduced to?" Draco laughed mockingly at him and flew in circles around his head, hair streaming behind him. He looked so happy. Harry couldn't stop staring at him, not even noticing when Draco abruptly pulled his broom up, flying high into the air. He did, however, notice the little fluttering slightly above the other boy, and was horrified to notice that he hadn't even been looking for the Snitch. Draco caught it easily, whooping and coming down to gloat. Harry smiled fondly, and his discontent vanished like magic.

Harry proved to be very inattentive when Draco was concerned. He only just managed to catch the Snitch a few times, but not enough to be ahead of Draco. He couldn't help but watch as Draco flew effortlessly, eyes shining brightly with delight. He pulled himself out of his stupor, and flew around, determined to get the Snitch this time. He saw it, a glimmer of gold near the forest, and turned, speeding off after it. Draco was close behind him.

Just as he was about to snatch it out of the air, the Snitch abruptly shot upwards, but Harry was going too fast to stop. He careened onwards and heard Draco shout his name. He panicked, and tried to slow his broom, but he inevitably crashed into the thick layer of trees. Draco swooped under him, trying to catch him, but his momentum carried them both off of the broom and tumbling to the ground. He clutched Draco to him in terror, yelling as they both fell.

They landed with a thud, Harry beneath Draco. Luckily, it seemed like he hadn't broken anything, and Draco's fall was cushioned by him so he was probably fine too. With a groan of pain, Draco lifted his head to glare at Harry.

"Harry, what in Merlin's name were you thinking? You could have been seriously hurt! Honestly, if you were going to be this distracted the whole bloody time, I wouldn't have agreed to this." Draco huffed angrily. Harry tried to look apologetic, but was very distracted by Draco's lean body stretched out on top of his. Draco continued his rant, scowling at Harry the entire time.

"And we could have been studying this- Harry, are you even listening to me?" Draco asked, stopping in the middle of his tirade. Harry smiled sheepishly. "No." Draco looked scandalized. "So you didn't hear a thing I said?" Harry shook his head. Draco let his head fall back onto Harry's chest in frustration. Harry shifted uncomfortably.

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