Chapter 11

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Harry collapsed onto the couch in the common room, exhausted. Turning into an animal was strangely tiring. But he also felt a surge of determination to put in the work to become an animagus. He could see why his father loved being a stag. He felt light and speedy as a reindeer, and those were also the qualities that made him such a great Seeker. He felt a surge of closeness with the father he had barely known.

But Harry also felt an odd, almost foreign feeling rush through him that left him inexplicably upset. He sat up.

"I feel strange. I'm going for a walk, see you guys in Herbology." He told Hermione and Ron. Hermione gave him a worried look.

"Are you alright, Harry?" She asked. Harry nodded. "Just a bit queasy. It'll pass, but I think walking around might help." Harry waved at the two and left them alone, walking into the dungeon corridors. He began wandering about aimlessly, then decided he may as well start walking in the general direction of the greenhouses. He ambled along, turning a corner and-

"Oomph," he said, bumping into someone slightly taller than him.

The other person stumbled back and said in a nasty tone, "Watch where you're- oh it's you, Potter. I should have known. No one else is idiotic enough to walk around without looking where they're going." Malfoy said, rolling his eyes, but it was more of a joke than an insult. Normally, Harry might have smiled or even laughed, but all he felt was a strong wave of rage. Malfoy's face dropped at the expression of anger of Harry's face.

"Calm down, Potter. It was merely a joke. No need to get upset." Harry was nearly vibrating with fury, even as a small part of his brain wondered why on earth he was getting so upset. Malfoy backed away. "Look, Potter. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

But Harry felt an overwhelming urge to punch the blonde boy directly in his face. And he did. Malfoy reeled back, nose streaming blood. It looked broken. "Podder," He said in an angry, nasally voice. "Whad is going on?" Harry just surged forward again, this time aiming for his gut. Malfoy doubled over, the breath knocked out of him.

The Slytherin was not one to just sit there and take it, so naturally he fought back. He kicked Harry's shin, causing him to howl in pain. "Podder," he hissed, "Whad habe you done?" Harry just kept attacking Malfoy like a rabid animal, kicking and biting and growling and punching everywhere he could reach. He didn't even think to take out his wand.

But Malfoy did, and he whipped it out and screamed, "Impedimenta!" Harry was thrown back onto the floor and Malfoy quickly shot a stunning spell at him. The last thought he had was of overwhelming, all-encompassing regret.


Draco panicked. He had to get Potter to the Hospital wing, preferably without anyone seeing them. It would look very suspicious if a former Death Eater was dragging along an unconscious Harry Potter. He cast a disillusionment charm on Potter's unmoving body, and then quietly whispered, "Mobilicorpus." Potter's body lifted off of the ground and Draco set a brisk pace towards the Hospital Wing. He wanted to run there, but it would look strange if he was in too much of a hurry.

Luckily, by taking advantage of a few different shortcuts, Draco made it to the Hospital Wing without incident. He carefully levitated Potter onto one of the beds, then called out for Madam Pomfrey, undoing the disillusionment charm.

The petite yet incredibly scary woman hurried out of her office, immediately spotting Potter lying on the bed. "What happened?" She asked, as if unconscious patients were brought in everyday, which they probably were. Draco described how he had bumped into Potter, making sure to tell the woman he had apologized and backed off. She looked skeptical, but allowed him to continue. As he finished telling her about Potter's sudden attack, she ran diagnostic spells on the boy.

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