Chapter 3

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Draco hugged his mother. They were finally free from the monster. This was a moment he would cherish for the rest of his life. But first...

Draco turned to Potter. Potter was still at the stand, looking thoughtful. Draco approached him, but as he neared the other boy, Potter suddenly turned and headed for the door. Draco wanted to call out to him, much like how Potter had called out to him in the Forest that day. But Draco didn't. He didn't want to call attention to himself. And greeting the Savior like they were no longer enemies would surely call attention to the both of them. So he simply watched as Potter walked away from him, out the door, and back to his undoubtably busy life.

Draco turned back to his mother. The look she gave him was so understanding and kind that he began to wonder what kind of an expression his own face was pulling.

It didn't even matter that Potter hadn't talked to him. He understood that Potter probably wouldn't want to talk to a Death Eater. It was surely bad for his reputation, though Draco didn't think that mattered at this point. It was how he had left without sparing Draco even one glance that made him feel like he had been hit in the stomach with a bludger.


Draco walked onto the familiar platform where the scarlet Hogwarts Express awaited its passengers. He had never expected that he would once more board the familiar train. He was still stunned that McGonagall had invited him of all people back for one final year. After all, it was partially his fault that the new 8th years hadn't been able to learn anything last year.

He almost hadn't chosen to come back. He didn't deserve to be reunited with the castle that he once called his home when the Manor didn't fulfill that role for him. He didn't want to ruin everyone's last year by reminding them of the horrors they had gone through. He shouldn't have come.

His mother gave his arm a squeeze, almost like she had heard his thoughts and was giving him comfort. He looked down at her and smiled. If not for his mother's urging, he would have been back at the Manor, lounging around and wasting the days away. But now he was here, and it was too late to turn back.

Draco turned fully towards his mother and leaned down, hugging her tightly. He had done this goodbye every year since he was eleven, but now it felt different. It had been just him and his mother since their trial and they had grown impossibly close. He felt like he would be leaving a part of himself behind when he boarded the train.

" Goodbye, mother," Draco whispered in his mother's ear. His throat was closing up so he refrained from saying more. "Goodbye, my love," his mother said, smiling softly. "Please be happy this year, Draco. Be free. Do not worry about anything this time, this is your year to do simply as you wish. Please find your happiness, my dear, so I may be at peace."

Draco resolved to do as his mother asked of him. He was worried for her. This would be her first year completely alone, so if there was anything he could do to make her feel better, he would do it without reservations.

He nodded and stepped back. He smiled once more at his mother, then turned and walked towards the train before his resolve began to waver. He boarded the train, walking down the aisle past full and half-full compartments. He was so absorbed in finding an empty compartment that he didn't notice the people sitting in the one he had just passed.

"And where the fuck do you think you're going?" A very familiar and very pissed off voice rang shrilly through the hall. Draco winced and turned around to face his best friend since childhood. She was standing there, her hands on her hips, the door to the compartment behind her half ajar.

"Pans," he greeted simply.

"Don't you 'Pans' me! Where the fuck have you been all summer? We had to read about the result of your trial in the papers! And we didn't hear shit from you the rest of the summer, even though you were clearly fine! And now you come in here, acting like everything is perfectly alright and we didn't spend the entirety of three months worrying our asses off! What do you have to say for yourself?"

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