Chapter 2

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Potter stood at the door with a sheepish look on his face, but his visage quickly morphed to one of determination. He strode forward, intent clear on his face. Whispers broke out amongst the court, but they quieted down with a look from the Chief Warlock.

Draco was not happy at this turn of events. But, he was not altogether surprised. How could he be, when he had tormented Potter for years now, and had given the boy every reason to hate him? He would not hold a grudge against Potter for this, not when he so clearly deserved it. He was more disappointed that Potter would take their rivalry so far that he had to condemn his mother too. But they deserved it, so Draco understood.

The Chief Warlock cleared his throat. "Mr. Potter, I am not sure if you are aware, but you are not allowed to be in this room. The trial has already started." Potter looked up at him and nodded. " I know, sir, but I have some very important information regarding the actions of Mrs. Malfoy. I apologize for not being here on time, but I was stalled." The Chief Warlock looked surprised, but said, "That may be so, Mr. Potter, but it would be remiss of me to break the rules to allow you to testify."

Potter raised his eyebrow at this. "However glad I am to see that the Ministry is so determined to follow the rules, I must say that this trial would be unfairly judged without my information. It is crucial to the proceedings." He cocked his head, his eyes gaining a calculating look. "The Ministry has a history with unfair trials, I might add. My godfather, Sirius Black, did not even get a trial. And my own trial two years ago was very clearly weighed against me. It would be rather...unfortunate...if the Ministry were to repeat old mistakes."

Draco was impressed. By mentioning his godfather and himself, Potter was calling out the Ministry, in front of a great many witnesses. It would be unwise if them to try and kick him out now. He would have done well in Slytherin. Draco was surprised by the thought that flitted through his head. Potter was a Gryffindor of the highest order, there was no possibility of him being even the slightest bit Slytherin. Draco only wished that Potter hadn't grown quite so clever just as he was about to send them to jail.

The Chief Warlock looked embarrassed, but cleared his throat again. "Very well, Mr. Potter.  The prosecution has already laid out their case, but you may go ahead and begin your testimony." Potter looked confused, then comprehension flitted across his face, followed by anger. "I think you are mistaken, sir. I wish to be a witness for the defense," Potter declared.

Draco nearly fell off the bench. The court broke out in whispers again. Harry Potter, Golden Boy and champion of the light, defending known Death Eaters? It was unheard of. Resentment burned in him. Hadn't he told Potter that he and his mother didn't need nor want saving? It was just like the git to go ahead and do what he wanted, and ignore his wishes. Bloody savior.

Potter did not look at him or his mother. He merely laced his hands together and stood there, waiting for the murmurs to stop. The Chief Warlock looked distinctly uncomfortable, but having already given his permission, he could do nothing but allow Potter to testify. "You may take the stand, Mr. Potter," he said, sighing and rubbing his temples.

Potter walked up to the stand. He cleared his throat and began. "Mrs. Malfoy was never a part of the Death Eater meetings, except for the ones that took place in her own home, because there was no possible way for her to avoid those. I was privy to several meetings through the eyes of Voldemort, so I know better than most about such things. Mrs. Malfoy was always concerned first and foremost with the safety of her son. Every action she took, she did so Draco Malfoy would be safe. She never asked for Voldemort to reside in her home, but allowed it because she knew protesting would mean the death of her and her family."

Draco was positively shocked. When did Potter get to know his mother so well? His heart hurt a little as he listened to Potter's words and realized just how much his mother had done for him. His mother was looking at Potter, her expression mirroring Draco's own surprise.

Because I Deserve It - DrarryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang