Chapter 30

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Narcissa's reply arrived promptly that evening. It was almost impressive how fast the owl must've had to fly to make it there and back so quickly. Harry, eager for a break from his incessant studies, tore open the envelope and began to read.

Dear Mr. Potter,

I am thankful for your concern and thought - I was aware of Draco's disappearance, but nonetheless, I appreciate you telling me.

Your worry for Draco is touching and most reassuring. That you went to such lengths - followed an owl, Mr. Potter! You're likely to catch a cold like that - makes me feel better about Draco's position. I cannot thank you enough for showing concern for my son when others most certainly will not.

To be quite frank, I suspected you and my son shared something quite a bit more meaningful than a friendship. Draco is exceptional at concealing information from all but his mother. But, Mr. Potter, I fail to see how you are at fault for his disappearance. It seems that you and Draco made your plan together and only because of that insufferable poltergeist. It is the reporters' fault for insisting on nosing about into the lives of people who rather deserve privacy after all they've done for our world. And, if you had had the chance to consult me for advice, I would have suggested a similar approach - controlling the flow of information is the most critical thing when confronting news outlets. You could not have anticipated the outcome, so I do not blame you.

A dragon? He did not tell me anything about becoming an animagus. Magical creature animagi do tend to run in our family with quite a bit more frequency than many other families. Still, I should have liked to know, and I long to see it. He would make a magnificent dragon, no? I thought so too when I named him for that particular constellation. I wish he had not stayed up quite so many nights, though if that is what saved him, I shall most assuredly not complain. Please do let me know the moment you see him, and I thank you once more for your consideration.

Biello is an old pureblood lineage. They are Italian, and they are fiercely proud of the purity of their blood, even more so than most British pureblood families. There are many old Italian wizarding families, but the Biellos deem nearly all to be contaminated to some degree and are thus extremely intermarried. Centuries of this practice have culminated in a family that is almost entirely insane - few escape their biological curse, and those that do are usually illegitimate children. Miss Biello must have kidnapped my son in one of her fits of insanity. Rest assured, they shall never step foot in Britain again.

I would not know where she might have sent him, though Italy would be my best guess.

I am glad you two did not endeavor to hide your relationship from me, and I appreciate the sentiment behind wanting to wait. I take no offense from your actions; they were entirely reasonable.

Narcissa Malfoy

It was a long letter, perhaps even longer than the one he had initially sent to her. Maybe that was a good thing - if Narcissa liked him, that would be one stressful step in his and Draco's relationship out of the way. Harry still wanted to go to the Manor for a couple of days over the hols like they had planned because he quite wanted to say hello properly and see Draco's childhood home without the imminent threat of death looming over his head. He was looking forward to the possibility of embarrassing stories and baby pictures, which was another reason to stay on Narcissa's good side.

Speaking of the holidays, he needed to figure out what his Christmas present to Draco would be. Harry wanted it to be something special - this would be their first Christmas together and their first holiday at all, in fact. He couldn't get Draco just anything, it would have to be extraordinary, and something they could look back on with fond memories.

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