Chapter 1

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It had taken two hours for the Aurors to find them. It wasn't that they had tried to hide, merely that the Aurors had taken that long to come after them. They had gone peacefully, even his father. They were placed in a "safe house", which was charmed and warded to keep them inside and to alert the Aurors if one of them tried to leave. Additionally, ten Aurors were stationed around the property at all times. So, it really was more of a prison, even if they were allowed some comforts and their privacy. The Malfoy name was still worth something, it seemed.

They had stayed in the "safehouse" for two weeks, awaiting their trial. And the day had finally come. Draco had had a lot of time to think it over, and he had decided that he would go to Azkaban with the dignity and honor befitting a wizarding family belonging to the Sacred Twenty Eight. He was ready to go to prison. Of course, it was much easier said than done. Sitting in the holding cell, he was terrified. He imagined what it would be like to hear the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, who would be trying them himself, (he had no idea who it was) declare him guilty. He imagined what it would be like to be dragged off by Aurors while crowds booed and cursed at him. He imagined what it would be like to sit in a cell in Azkaban, surrounded by dementors and wallowing in his own terrifying nightmares. He was not ready to go to prison.

But nonetheless, prison was where he would go. Because he deserved it.

He, his father, and his mother would all be tried in a row. They couldn't be tried at the same time, for they were being accused of different crimes, but the Wizengamot had evidently decided they wanted to be done with all the Malfoys in one go. His father would go first, then his mother, and finally him. He didn't know what to make of that.

The door opened. The Auror that had been in charge of making sure he didn't run away came in. His name was something like Kachamba. Kachumbar? Kachamblur? He was a big man, portly, but surprisingly fast. He had his wand out and ready to cast in case Draco decided to make a break for it. "It's time," was all he said, in his oddly squeaky voice that really was not at all suited for an Auror.

Draco got up swiftly, and with a swish of robes, he exited the cell. It would not be said that he went to his doom without style and grace. After being prodded down a long hallway, Karchumbara pointed to a door on his right and grunted, gesturing for Draco to enter, so he did. His father was already sitting in the chair, the chains wrapped securely around him to prevent his escape. Draco made his way over to his mother, who was already sitting on a bench where they would watch the proceedings and await their turns.

His father's trial was abysmal. Their lawyer was some dimwit who clearly had no idea how to practice law. The prosecution was ruthless, and it was evident that his father was not going to get off easily. And by his face, paler than he had ever seen it before, his father knew it too. Finally, the trial reached its end, the prosecution rested their case, the lawyer for the defense stuttered hopelessly, and the Chief Warlock called for a vote. "All in favor of the defendant, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, being declared guilty and sentenced to life in prison for his crimes, in addition to paying reparations for the damages he has caused, directly and indirectly, raise your hands."

A majority raised their hands.

"All in favor of declaring the defendant innocent on all counts, raise your hands."

Only a few stragglers meekly raised their hands, undoubtedly only those who thought Lucius Malfoy could somehow punish them from prison.

"Cowards," Draco thought.

"Then I hereby declare Lucius Abraxas Malfoy guilty of murder, torture, conspiring with He-who-shall-not-be-named to commit the mass genocide of muggles and muggleborns, and crimes against Wizard-kind. He is hereby sentenced to life in Azkaban, and must pay a sum equal to one-quarter his fortune to charities dedicated to rebuilding damages caused by the war. This trial is hereby over. Auror Karachuma, take Mr. Malfoy back to his holding cell where he may await the results of the trials of his wife and son before being sent to Azkaban."

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