Pokeshipping: Hints, hints.

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Jonathan Ketchum has always been a strict harsh perfectionist father. He's always wanted his sons to be best at anything and everything, and he's secretly always wished they were getting the ladies at their knees. His eldest son was doing pretty well, as far as he knew. But what about Ash?

P.S: I wrote this a LONG time ago, and I had it published in an FF account. A beta reader helped me get it better. It's not really about Pokeshipping. It is just mentioned. The story treats more the father-son relationship, and mostly the strong father figure. I'm not sure if you guys like this kind of stories but anyway... :p


By @GingerAndy

In a family like the Ketchum's, the father has a big influence on his kids. He exerts a lot of control over his family members. His words are orders that are not to be discussed. It's indeed challenging to argue or discuss with a father from the Ketchum family and it is even harder to stand in his way or try to make your voice heard over his.

The matter especially concerned male children.

And Ash's family was no exception. After all, he grew up under his father's major control, and neither he nor his big brother, Seth, ever tried to swim against the current. Even though Jonathan Ketchum wasn't a rough father like the ones who have preceded, he was hard to deal with and sometimes scary despite not being too powerful. If you get to know him better—like his wife knows him—Johnny is a smoothie, hiding under a mask of roughness.

Of course, Delia Ketchum always knew Jonathan as the sweet guy who used to bring her a flower a day and greet her with a warm smile—after blurting out a verse of Shakespeare’s poetry (sometimes he'd say it wrong or switch a word with another and panic). They fell in love more and more after each day, and the two ended up married and happy with each other.

She'd surely admit that her husband has certainly changed after the birth of his two sons; he spoke less, no sweet words came from his mouth unless he and his wife were alone. People always told her how her life was so hard with a man like him, but they could never understand Jon as Delia could—how he was so sweet inside and treated her very well, despite his harsh character.

It was—for Jonathan—as if being sweet to Delia in front of his boys, was a sign of fragility; who'd want to look weak in front of his sons who admire him greatly? No father does.

Jonathan was 'dry' with and in front of Seth and Ash—especially Seth—gave them a military-strict education, and Delia always wondered if it'd have been the case if he had daughters instead. According to her mother-in-law, the answer was no.

It had something to do with the family traditions, something that Delia never understood.

Truth to be told, Jonathan's efforts weren't in vain, and his sons never disappointed him. The tasks varied from helping their mother around the house, to doing their homework regularly, to leveling up their grades and attending college (in Seth's case, since Ash is still in high school).

Great job indeed, as far as studies go.

There was this side which Jonathan couldn't control and get hold of when it came to Seth and Ash, yet he wanted them to be good at it, somehow. Let's say Seth has done a great job on it; yes he did, because Seth is like that. He's good at some other things as well.

But Ash…

Jonathan wasn't sure if Ash was doing a great job, but he was sure of one thing: Ash would never ask for help concerning that matter.

And that was scaring Jonathan more and more; he never wanted to scare the hell out of the boys to the point where they shiver when they talk to him; Jonathan just wanted them to be successful and real men—nothing more, nothing less.

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