For Contestshipping Day: Neighbors

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It's a little too long for a one-shot, but it turned out to be like this. Sorreh cx


Drew's heart skipped a beat every time he heard the neighbor's door open or slam shut.

His neighbor was a very pretty and nice girl. Her name was May, a yoga teacher who worked for a gym nearby their building. She had deep sapphire blue eyes; she maintained a very good and toned physique, her chest was prominent, and everything she wore outlined her curves perfectly. Her fingernails and toenails were always painted bright purple, her brown hair was shoulder-length and always straightened (or maybe it was naturally straight). She had two female friends who always came on weekends. Their laughs would be heard all over the building on Sunday's. 

Literally, May was the opposite of Drew.

Drew had no social life. He was a loner. His only friend, Solidad, was three years older, was married and she no longer had time for him. He had a desk boring job, and he had to wear a stupid suit and a tie everyday to work. His metabolism was slower than a hibernating bear and his cooking skills were nonexistent. Other than his soft, wavy green hair, Drew was nothing special. Being thirty and single didn't help either. His mother is constantly sending him pictures of his cousins' weddings (which he avoids attending like a pro). His father was less harsh; he pats his belly and tells him women like something to grab on. Well, at least he's tried. Drew thought his dad was cool.

On Sunday's, Drew usually just chills on his couch, gets his paperwork done and snacks. He can't help but feel weird in the stomach when he hears May's voices and those laughs.

He's liked her for a little while now. She really was a nice catch. They've only said hi twice before. May was too busy for a yoga teacher, and Drew would try to avoid her sometimes. She made him feel really self-conscious and uneasy.

"She's your neighbor. Knock on the door and tell her you want to take her out for dinner! What's so hard about that?" Solidad has told him once over the phone.

"What if she rejects me or if she's seeing someone already? It could get awkward." As if it wasn't awkward enough.

"You're so paranoid, Drew. You'll never get a girlfriend this way!"

Drew sighed. Why did she have to be so harsh on him? He's told her May was just out of his league, and Solidad told him not to call her until he actually gets a date with May.

He and Solidad have not talked in a week. The woman was really serious.

Well, Drew has never seen a guy step in May's house, but how would he know? He was so bad at this women stuff. He's had girlfriends before, but they would get bored of each other too quickly. 

It wasn't like this Sunday was going to be any different. Those girls were sure loud and noisy, but it's not like Drew needed to concentrate. His work was all about typing and copying-pasting.

After some tying on the laptop, he's taken a little pause to drink his coffee. The second he put the empty cup on the table, his doorbell rang. It was a little weird since his doorbell never rang, unless it was Mom's Day (he called it so), but his mother usually calls before she drops by.

Putting on his sweatpants and hoodie, Drew headed toward the main door. He opened it instantly.

"Uhm, hi!"

Drew blinked. He wasn't dreaming. May was at his door. What?

"Uh-hum, hi..." Oh, snap, he stuttered.

"I'm so sorry for bothering you, Drew," May told him. She was such a beautiful soul. Drew was lost in her eyes. She looked so cute hiding her mouth with her fingers like that. "But I think I have a problem with my bath — the hot water, I mean. I think it's the head shower. Do you mind checking that out? If you-"

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