Used Karma

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"Do not be scared, Mr

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"Do not be scared, Mr. Kipling. It is only a movie. A very realistic movie! This 3D is amazing! I feel as though I can reach out and touch it! Now it is reaching out to touch me! Bertram! Evil spirits walk among us!" Ravi said after Luke dressed up as a person from the movie and scared him.

"You got the evil part right." Bertram said after Luke walked out of the screening room.

Chloe was sitting on the couch writing in her songbook.

"That was awesome! You screamed like a little girl!" Luke laughed

"I did not! I screamed like a big, tough girl!" Ravi defended.

"That's not something you want to be proud of." Chloe said before she went upstairs.

"And you certainly did not scare my fearless friend, Mr. Kipling! You reptilian wimp!" Ravi said after Mr. Kipling scurried out of the screening room.


"Bertram, is our new issue of Leopard Beat here?" Emma asked after she and Chloe came downstairs.

"One moment." Bertram said before he put headphones on and handed the magazines to the girls.

"What's wrong? Who's hurt? First aid kit or ambulance?" Jessie asked after Chloe and Emma screamed and she came out of the kitchen.

"Our Leopard Beat magazines came! This month has a special feature on bra stuffing!" Chloe said as Emma nodded.

"Which is better? Tissues or socks?" Emma asked.

"Spoiler alert. It's neither. Quilted toilet paper. You're welcome." Jessie said before the girls smiled.


"I'll put that on the shopping list." Bertram said before he walked to the kitchen.

"What up, penthouse!" Tony said after he came in.

"What up, Tony!" Jessie said as she, Emma, and Chloe walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Jessie, I brought you a welcome to New York fuggeda basket." Tony said as he handed the basket to Jessie.

"Aw, thanks, Tony! New York subway maps, metro cards, and pepper spray? Is this in case I'm the victim of a salt" Jessie asked before she and Tony laughed.


"You know, this is really nice of Tony." Jessie said as she looked through the basket.

"Nice and obvious. Tony's in love. It's all here in Leopard Beat." Chloe said as Emma nodded and before Jessie looked at the magazine.

"Surefire signs a guy is crushing on you. First, he'll surprise you with presents." Jessie read.

"Tony gave you the fuggeda basket." Emma said.

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