Gabby's Gold

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"And here they come! Give it up for your gymnastics team, the Manhattan Killer Wasps!"

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"And here they come! Give it up for your gymnastics team, the Manhattan Killer Wasps!"

Kim and Chloe gracefully broke through the banner before the rest of the team fell over their own feet and facepalmed onto the ground.

"Whoo! Looking good, CJ!" Jack cheered from the stands with Milton and Andie.

"I really want to thank you, Jack. You've been the rock that has gotten me through my terrible break up with Julie." Milton said.

"You were going out with Julie?" Jack asked in confusion.

"You were dating someone?" Andie asked as she turned to him.

"Yes. Why do you guys think I've been sitting in the locker room crying?" Milton asked.

"I don't know. I thought you had some jock strap issue." Jack replied before Milton rolled his eyes,

"And no offense, but I just thought you were having some nerd, school related problem." Andie shrugged.

"Listen, I'm sure Julie's going through the same tough time you are." Jack reassured him as Andie nodded.

"You guys are right. I'll bet she's at home crying her- Holy Christmas Nuts! She's over these kissing Tommy Didier! There is something called a grieving period, you know!" Milton shouted after he stood up.

"Hey, come on. Try and take your mind off of it. Look, CJ's up." Jack said after he pulled Milton back down.

When the music started, Chloe did some tricks at the uneven bars. She spun around and jumped between them with ease.

"Wow, she is good." Jack said with a proud smile before Milton and Andie nodded and Chloe did a final spin and stuck the landing.

"Yeah, she is." Andie nodded as she watched her best friend, proudly.

"Yeah!" Jack smiled as he, Andie, and Milton clapped.

"This is great! Half their team has food poisoning. Tori, all you have to do is complete one vault and we win!" Kim told Tori, one of the girls on their team.

"I got this. Next time you see me, we'll be at Steven Sullivan's house sipping celebration smoothies. It's gonna be sick." Tori said, her speech a bit slurry because of her headgear.

"Tori, will you stop talking about smoothies? Okay, just get out there and focus!" Kim replied.

"You'll do great, Tori." Chloe smiled encouragingly.

Tori ran over and was about to do a vault over the beam before she landed on the school mascot. Their coach let out an angry groan and snapped her clipboard against her knee.

"You know, Chloe, Kim, if you quit now you won't have to go up against my undefeated Swathmore team this Saturday." Claire smirked after she walked over to the girls.

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