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A/N: Switched it up and gave you Scout's POV! How did we feel about Daniela being pissed off at the world for a change? Vote and enjoy, babes!💋



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Make(someone)feel embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.

  "Daniela, have some sense, don't do this," Elise begged me as her hand rested on my bicep and I turned around, all but snarling at her, "I am going down there and taking what belongs to me. She fucking cheated last night and they didn't even check the cameras. I love you, Elise, but get your hand off of me before I break it."

  She sighed and let go of me as I grabbed my gym bag, throwing it over my shoulder, and hopped on Oliver's bike, speeding away to the abandoned warehouse. She overheard me saying I wanted to slit that chick's throat and thinks I'm going to get myself in trouble.

 I clicked the secret button under the fence post and a voice spoke, "Daniela Harris the golden champion, back for more?" I rolled my eyes and hummed in response as the gates opened and I sped into the warehouse, parking Oli's vehicle beside all of the others. I walked down the stairs and opened the door to the basement that always smelled musty before dropping the gym bag to the floor and changing quickly. I kicked my boots off and took my leggings off. I put on my black working out shorts and threw my shirt and bra off, slipping on my tight dark red sports bra so my tits wouldn't be flying everywhere.

   I slipped on my ankle socks and laced my tennis shoes on before putting my fist wraps on my hands. I learned my lesson with fighting with busted up knuckles before. I braided my hair quickly and put it into a bun, making sure it will stay whilst kicking my bag away into the corner. I walked over to the large shelf filled with chemicals and moved it away, showing a rug. I moved the rug away and pulled up on the handle, immediately a yellow hue came shining and yelling was blasted through my eardrums. I sighed and moved the shelf to where the underground would be hidden and walked down the ladder, jumping onto the concrete where all of my components grinned at me knowingly.

  Last night I fought this muscular bitch named Fae and she should've been disqualified. She had pins under her fist wraps and stabbed me in the abdomen, causing me to lose. I made it my mission to find the man who runs the cameras, Johnny. Once I arrived, he was watching the fighters in the ring and he glanced up at me, "What's up, Danny?"

"Pull up last night's fight with Fae," I said blatantly and he sighed, "Daniela, I understand that you've never lost a fight yet but I think you need to come to terms that she won-"

   "Pull up the motherfucking fight," I growled and he nodded reluctantly, typing in a few keys on his computer. After a moment he clicked play on the video from the security footage and I grabbed the mouse, directing it to round two of our fight. I backed it up just before where her coach was handing her something and I paused it as something shiny and sharp was given to her. Johnny cocked an eyebrow, intrigued and I fast-forwarded it to where she placed it in her wrap. Then I fast-forwarded it to where she punched me in the gut and I immediately started bleeding from getting stabbed.

  "Disqualification should've taken place. Run me my money and a rematch," I said nonchalantly and he smirked, "Fuck yes." He stood up as I began rubbing chalk on my fists and before I knew it, I was standing at the side of the ring where my coach was talking me up per usual. I looked over to where newcomers were pouring in, signing contracts of secrecy before my eyes landed on Oliver and Luca.

Oliver smirked at me and I winked, he's always been super supportive of my fights, even when we were bickering and not together. My coach snapped his fingers in my face, "Focus on me, your boyfriend comes later. Did you drink your recommended electrolytes today? Nevermind, of course, you did. You're chalked and wrapped up so go kick her fucking ass so I can go pay my bills."

   I laughed at his dry humor and nodded, "Yes, sir."

  I heard the spokesperson announce that we'll be fighting in thirty seconds so I grabbed my mouthguard and walked over to her. She stood tall at a little over six foot one, she was muscular but her phony muscles don't fool me. She can't fight for shit. She got one good slap in before she had to result in pins in her wrap. Her long blonde hair reached her ass as she put it in a ponytail. She smirked at me, "Ready to lose again, fat ass?"

"Bitch, the only reason you won last night is with weapons. What dumbass can't fight with just their fists? Oh yea, you. Fuck out my face and take this L, cunt," I winked and shook her hand roughly, resulting in her face showing a bit of pain, and then she glared at me as I stuck my mouthguard in and got in my position.

   "Round one," the speaker blasted out and the ringing of the bell sounded throughout the place as I waited for her to take the first hit. She stretched her leg out at the same time as her right fist came flying in my direction so I couldn't miss both, but I moved out of the way, only to simultaneously pop her in the nose. In turn, it made her eyes water as I gripped both of her ears and forced my knee to slam on her face, her nose bone crunching as she screamed whilst people screamed their bets on us.

  "Harris! Harris! Harris!" The crowd chanted loudly and I smirked at her as blood started gushing out of it and she forfeited immediately. I raised my hands as I grinned at the crowd and I was given my hundred thousand dollars so I could leave. I hopped off of the ring, sweat beading my face since they keep this damn place ninety degrees all the time. I walked over to Oli and Luca where Luca high-fived me, "Didn't know you were so badass, Danny. Congrats!"

I nodded and thanked him with a smile before Oli handed me a rag and I washed the sweat off of my face, kissing him quickly. "Proud of you, per usual," he smiled and I laughed as he continued, "So what're you going to do with the money?"

   "I saw Cammie browsing some cute cribs for Yuri so I'm going to buy the one she liked the most."

  "Awesome. I need to air up the back tire on the bike before you leave on it, okay?" He asked and I nodded as we climbed up the ladder and entered the warehouse again. I grabbed my back before we reached the bike. Whilst airing it up, he looked at me with a cute grin and I cocked an eyebrow, "What?"

"You look sexy as fuck in those shorts and I was wondering if you wanted to Missy's with everyone?"

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now