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A/N: She's finally at the diner, ready to go inside to see the love of her life. It's been a long time coming, who's prepared? I know I sure as hell ain't. Please vote and enjoy chapter seventeen, loves. 💋



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A place of safety or refuge.

  "Coffee, thanks," I grumbled at the waitress and she nodded as she scurried off to go get it.

 Niko is late, per usual. He says it's fashionable, I say it's irritable. My leg started involuntarily bouncing underneath the booth from my nerves being shot. This is my last lead on Cameron and if I leave here empty-handed, I may as well have sealed my fate with never seeing her again. I'm not okay with that decision so therefore, I'm scared fucking shitless. Part of me is grateful that Niko is late. That way he won't drop bad news on me sooner, I'd rather murder this entire diner later than sooner.

  I wish I wouldn't have left my cell phone at home, I'd much rather be nose deep in a book or something rather than sitting here, nervous as everyone eats their breakfast and talking about bills or their kids. The diner doorbell rung and I looked up hoping to see my cousin but when I saw an elderly couple being seated by Missy, I almost blew out a breath of relief. I watched as Oliver's car pulled in the driveway, he was speeding like a bat out of hell, probably coming to either hear what Niko has to say or running a business deal by me before he okay's it or declines it.

The diner is almost empty for it to be a Saturday morning, but then again it's really foggy and cold out this morning so most people might not want to get out in it. Aside from the elderly couple across the diner from me, the only people here were the employees and me.

   "Here's your coffee, Mr. King, sorry for your wait," Donna said as she carefully sat the hot mug down in front of me and I smiled politely at her, "No rush, Donna. Thanks." She nodded at me as I started putting two creamers and three sugars in it, just how I taught Cammie.

 I tensed up at the thought of her before I took a sip of the coffee and heard the diner door fling open violently. My eyebrows scrunched up as I looked up and I spit the coffee right back out at the sight of Cameron looking around frantically. She was limping and bruised, her hair looked crazy, she was pale and had a wild look in her eyes.

  I stood up, accidentally knocking the coffee all over the table, but I didn't care. I blinked a few times, making sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me like that dream I had.

"C-Cam?" I stuttered out and her head snapped my way.

 My heart started racing in my chest and my stomach started churning as her eyes widened, tears filling both of our eyes. A grin stretched across my face as she began running towards me. She jumped up into my arms, her legs immediately wrapping around my torso. My right hand hugged her back to me and my other hand hugged the back of her head to the crook of my neck as she sobbed into my skin.

   Tears paraded down my face in a way that any man filled with masculine insecurities would laugh at, poking fun at the softness I'm feeling right now. But at this moment, with Cameron in my arms, she is stitching my heart back together. Piece by piece, I'm suddenly okay again.

  "I-I can't believe this!" I laughed out between my tears, hugging her tight as she continued sobbing happiness and relief into the crook of my neck. The diner door rang as Oliver followed closely being Niko. Niko raised an eyebrow at us and chuckled, "I guess it's a good thing she showed up considering the only thing in those trees was a transmitter." I laughed as I sat in the booth with her still on my lap. She pulled away and wiped the liquids on her face on her shirt whilst giggling at herself, "I'm sorry, I must look like such a mess."

I brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and brushed down her neck, causing her to inhale sharply in pain. My eyebrows met in confusion as I picked her hair out of the way and eyed her neck which is completely covered in blood, skin be damned. "What the fuck happened to you?" I growled lowly and she tensed, "He put a tracking device in my neck. I don't know if he was following me, but if he was then he's not that far behind anymore. And Elliott... he has a lot of men."

   "I guarantee you we have more," I winked and nodded at Oliver for him to call our soldiers in, trying to ignore the fact that he put a fucking tracking device in my girl's skin. He walked outside to make the call as I blew out a shaky breath, "It's been over a year since I've held you in my arms, I don't think I ever want to let go." She giggled, still sitting on my lap and wiped a tear off of my face, "I-... I have something for you but you're not going to like it."

  I breathed in swiftly as she reached in the pocket of her leggings and pulled out a small flash drive. I can only imagine what's on that. She's been gone for over a year and I have no earthly idea what she went through. I don't know her story, anything. All I know is she is finally safe in my arms with me and that's all I could ever ask for. So when she wasn't looking, I looked up to the ceiling and silently thanked that big man in the clouds for coming through for me.

"There's a series of videos on here. I only watched that but there are big files on there as well that I didn't look into considering the lack of time I had to get out of the house. He's going to come for me, for this."

   I shook my head at her false words, "He's coming after us. I promise, Cameron, I'll kill them all."

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