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A/N: Finally another hot scene... but in Elliott's POV? Is the world ending? Speaking of ending, this story is almost over! Vote and enjoy chapter forty-two, beautiful people!💋



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Apprehensive or nervous; willed with trepidation.

  I feel light-headed from lunch earlier. I shouldn't have eaten so much but the grilled lobster and vegetables on the side were just too good to pass up. I currently lounging around with the girls, waiting for our food to settle before we swim. The sun was burning my skin so I'm thankful that Elliott was persistent on me wearing sunscreen.

  "I ate so much I feel sick," I whined and Danny nodded in agreement, "That lobster was fucking delicious. I'm so sad we leave tomorrow..." Scout laughed, "We've been here for a week already, I'm ready to get back home!"

"I have to agree... I'm ready for Elliott's soft bed," I daydreamed and Scout blushed, "I didn't mean to walk in on you guys earlier-"

   "You what?!" Danny shrieked in laughter as both my sister and I shared the same tomato-red face. Danny laughed so hard that tears leaked out of her eyes and I rolled mine playfully as I got up and walked over to the pool to put the fire out that was in my skin. I felt even more light-headed once I stood up but I ignored it because it was just the sun was too hot while I was too full and used to the cool temperature inside of the villa. I went to go walk down the steps of the shallow end of the pool but began seeing black dots in my vision.

  I slowed down, nervous as to what was happening, "Sc-Scout... I'm about to... pass out..." Her and Danny's laughter died down immediately as I began swaying, desperately trying to find something to hold onto. I lost my balance and fell face first in the pool, the cold temperature engulfing me as hands grabbed me out of the pool whilst I heard Daniela screaming, "Elliott!!"

The last thing I saw before I completely blacked out was Elliott's panicked face as he tried slapping me awake...


   An irritating and obnoxious beeping forced my eyes open as I sat up, looking around. I was in a hospital bed and a state of déjà vu took over me as I began to panic. I looked to my right and Oliver was sleeping in a chair. I noticed a small fake plant next to the hospital bed so I threw it at him and he shot up, his eyes immediately fixating on me, "Oh thank the high fucking heavens, you're up!"

  I nodded as my throat ached for water and he handed me the small Styrofoam cup, "Small sips. Elliott will be back any minute-"

"Oli, I couldn't find the cookies you were talking about so I got you- Oh fuck, you're awake!" Elliott's deep voice turned happy quickly as he rushed to my side and cradled my face in his hands after I drank the water, "El, what's going on? What happened?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion but nonetheless he responded, "You passed out at the villa so we took you to the hospital but it seemed like nobody fucking knew what they were doing so we transferred you here. We're back home and your test results should be back any minute."

   "Bloody hell," I sighed in shame, "I didn't mean to-"

  "I swear to God if you're about to express how you feel bad for supposedly ruining the trip I will shove my fist down your throat," Oliver threatened and I pursed my lips, "How the heck did you know?" Elliott chuckled, "Best friends know best."

The hospital door opened and Doctor Ivanov stepped through, "Hello, Ms. Moore. It's nice to see you're awake, how are you feeling?" Oliver stepped out of the room and downstairs to make a call to Daniela with Elliott, they know I hate when I'm crowded with a doctor.

   "Better now that I've had water. I thought that maybe it was too hot outside and that's possibly why I passed out?" I asked him and he nodded, "That is precisely why you fainted. Tell me, Ms. Moore, are you aware that you're pregnant?"

  My eyes bulged from my skull as my heart began palpitating, "P-pregnant?" Dr. Ivanov nodded and walked over to write my vitals down, "Precisely sixteen weeks and two days or four months pregnant. You may have fallen under the specific category of women that haven't had very many symptoms."

I'm... pregnant? I did the math in my head and that would've meant that I conceived the night before Elliott got shot... the lingerie incident. I'm having a baby? I'm really pregnant... That would explain why I threw my guts up when I drank alcohol and why I look like I've gained weight like crazy this last week.

   "But my period?" I asked confusedly and he shook his head, "Possibly just spotting. It's completely normal. The reason you fainted is that you were too hot and the baby didn't like it. You should be showing very soon if not already."

  "I thought I was just bloated because of my upcoming period," I spoke to myself and he chuckled, "Is it okay if I bring the ultrasound in?" I nodded and tried to wrap my head around this news whilst they set everything up. A nurse smiled at me, "Lift your shirt up for me, dear. I'm going to put some gel on your belly and it's going to be very cold." I nodded and did as instructed. Once she put the gel on me I hissed in shock from how cold it truly was. She gave me an apologetic look before spreading it around with a wand of some sort.

She began digging it slightly in my lower belly before the sound of a fetal heartbeat took over the room and I stared at the black and white picture of my baby. She smiled as she pointed at the screen and took pictures with a couple of keys, "There's the head, the face... there are its legs... would you like to know the gender?"

   I feel like this is a fantasy right now... gender? I can know the gender of my baby right now? I nodded as tears brimmed my eyes of excitement and nervousness. She looked at the picture once again as she printed them off and handed them to me with a smile, "Congratulations, Ms. Moore, you're having a boy!"

  I'm having a baby boy? I gasped in shock as tears fell down my face, I grabbed the pictures in disbelief and stared at them as she wiped the gel off of my belly and discarded them, "I know this is a shock for you but are you ready to discharge? Dr. Ivanov has already signed the discharge papers and you're all ready to go if you're ready."

I cleared my throat and nodded as I wiped my tears, slowly swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

  What the bloody hell do I tell Elliott?

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя