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A/N: That last chapter was a bit... steamy, eh? Vote and enjoy, cuties! 💋



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Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

  "We've been lying here all morning, El," Cammie complained and I teasingly pouted at her, making her giggle. God, I've missed her little giggle. I hugged her naked body to mine, savoring in the moment before she goes shopping with Elise and I have to decipher whatever is on that supposed God-awful flash drive. She's scared. I don't know what is on it but I know that it isn't good. I kissed her temple before unwrapping my arms from her and pulling my briefs on along with my pants, "Do you need help getting dressed?"

  "Yeah, you kind of threw my shirt in the bathroom," she responded shyly and I chuckled as I walked outside of the room. I instantly spotted Daniela as she conversed with the maid about something. The maid smiled and thanked her for something and I walked over to Danny. "What's up, Ellie?"

"Can you get Cammie an outfit? I'm making her go shopping with Elise today while everyone helps me with this flash drive thing," I said quietly and she nodded, "Yeah, I'll go grab something." I thanked her as she made her way downstairs and I walked into my bedroom just as Cammie took a rather painful crash to the ground since she tried to use her crutches.

   "Ow," she hissed and I jogged over to her, "Sweetheart, let me show you." She looked up at me with an embarrassed blush gracing her beautiful face. I helped her up towards the bed and grabbed her crutches, demonstration hand placement and foot placement. She nodded and motioned for me to let her try, "I swear if I fall again-"

  "You won't. Besides, I'm right here," I winked and she smiled softly, trying to use the crutches as I had instructed. Once she walked a step with them her face fell with shock, "I'm doing it!" I grinned at her excitement as she continued walking around the room with ease. Daniela knocked on the door, "Hey, Ellie? I've got these clothes!" Cameron's eyes widened and she walked back to the bed, covering up with the blanket considering the only clothing she had on was her panties. I walked over to the door and grabbed the clothes, thanking Danny quickly before tossing Cammie the clothes.

I walked over to my dresser and opened it, grabbing five thousand from my stash out and handing it to her. Her eyes widened as she looked down at the wad of cash, "What the bloody hell is that for, El?" I chuckled at her shock, "Shopping, mamas. Or would you rather have my card? Here, take my card since there isn't a limit-"

   "Elliott, I don't need- I've got that money that I took from Salvatore-"

  "No fucking way," I growled and she flinched, causing me to instantly feel bad. I sighed and walked over to her, crouching and holding her hands in mine, "I don't even want you using that dirty money, okay? Just use mine... Please?" Her eyes softened at my explanation and she nodded, her tiny hand reached up to my face, "Okay. Only for you though," she tried winking and failed miserably causing a big belly-like laugh to erupt from my stomach. She pouted and I fell on my ass, still laughing.

"Stop laughing at me," she huffed and I chuckled as I kissed the top of her hand, "Be careful today, okay? Keep my gun on you and make sure Elise as hers on her at all times. I'm sending two of my security details with you. Do not go anywhere without them. Do you understand?"

   "Yes sir," she rolled her eyes playfully and my dick twitched in my pants at her little nickname. I ignored it and reached up to kiss her deeply. Her small hands rested on my cheeks as she kissed back. I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers, kissing the tip of her nose to watch her beautiful smile. She did exactly that and I helped her but one shoe on before wrapping her ankle up well. I kissed the top of the wrap and she beamed at me as if I was the only man in the world she sees.

  "Knock knock, lovebirds!" Elise's French accent filled from behind the door and I walked to open it. Cameron grinned at her, "Elise!" Elise grinned from ear to ear and ran over to her, engulfing her in a bone-crushing hug that I'm sure is squeezing the soul out of my girl. I love to see Cam smile, it makes me happy, especially considering everything she's been through.

"I'm carrying her downstairs, hold her crutches," I instructed and Elise nodded as I handed her my card along with Cameron's crutches. "Ready?" I asked my girl playfully and she squealed as I picked her up bridal style dramatically. "Onward, soldier!" Cammie announced jokingly and I chuckled as I took her to the first floor. I kissed her goodbye once more before turning around to face a living room full of my friends who were in serious business mode.

   Oliver was sitting at his computer in the living room, hooking things up to the TV so everyone could watch everything and take note of things in case someone misses something. Ryan was turning the volume up as Skye tried calming down a slightly panicky Scout. I walked over to the couple and looked down at Scout, "Are you sure you want to do this?" She blew out a shaky breath, "N-No, actually... I don't think I can."

  I nodded as she apologized and sped out of the room. I don't blame her; I don't even want to go through with this but I need all of the information I can get before we get vengeance. Whatever happened to Cameron when she wasn't with me I will do ten times worse to whoever hurt her. She's my girl and she deserves the very best.

My girl deserves justice.

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now