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A/N: Who's ready for the obliteration chapter? Who's ready to see what Elliott has in store for Cameron and everyone else? Vote and enjoy, cuties!💋



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Root out and destroy completely.

  "Are you nervous?" Skye whispered to me as we hunkered down in the woods with over one hundred of my men. We've wrecked every single shipment the Italians had out so far, we've put a hit out on all of the warehouses already, there's four. We've got around an extra hundred of my men on warehouse duty and right now, we're looking at the office of Antonio Romano, Salvatore's uncle. The one who put the hit out on Cameron and Salvatore fulfilled his duties. The one I'm excited to get my hands on.

  "Why the hell would I be nervous? I've been imagining this moment for over a year now," I said with an evil grin and she smiled right back at me with the same nefarious expression on her face as I do. I clicked the button on the Bluetooth device in my ear and whispered quietly, "This is King, I need team A to go around back and take out any men there may be. Keep your eyes peeled, these Italians are crafty."

"Got it, boss," the leader of team A responded and we waited patiently for around five minutes before I clicked the button and spoke again, "King speaking again, team B- take out the east wing, team C take out the west wing."

   "We're on it," the leaders of B and C came through at once and I blew out a deep breath, keeping my eyes fixated on the office that was heavily armed in men. The one advantage that we have over the Italians is the fact that while we may not have as many men, our men are much more skilled. Meaning that only a fourth of our men can, in fact, take out all of theirs. Which is exactly what we're doing tonight. After about five minutes of obliterating every man from outside of the office, I got the leaders of my teams telling me their job was done.

  "Stand for back up just in case, keep hidden. Good job, men," I complimented them as myself and team D slowly made our way to the front of the tall building. We took out cameras as we went without being seen and opened the door. Ryan told us the code for the alarm and we punched it in quickly before the alarms went off. I sighed a breath of relief and Skye nudged me with her elbow and then pointed her chin upstairs, indicating that someone was up there. So Mr. Romano is hiding out on the second floor...

I nodded and we did a sweep of the first floor. I don't want to use guns in the building unless absolutely necessary because Antonio will run- and I don't need Antonio running. I tend to kill Antonio and Salvatore tonight. If I had the time, I would most definitely make them suffer over a lengthy period of time, but I don't so I'll just have to make sure they die as uncomfortable as possible. But before I do that, I plan to get answers. Like why Cameron? Why couldn't they just put the hit out on me instead, why take the time to befriend her and then torture her? It doesn't make any sense.

   I noticed a man in my peripheral vision aiming at one of my men with his gun, a sneak attack. I slyly smirked and made sure my knife was comfortably in my hand as I quietly walked up behind him and stuck the blade in his temple. His blood squirted under me as the crunching sound wasn't as quiet as I had hoped, but still quiet nonetheless. The blood drenched me unfortunately and I just hope to God that Cam is still asleep so I can grab a shower. I don't want her to see me like this, the cold-blooded killer that I am.

  "You good?" Scout mouthed at me and I nodded, motioning for her and Skye to go in front of me whilst we walked up the stairs. My men followed closely behind, keeping their eyes peeled for sneak attacks coming from any direction. Once we reached the top floor, Skye and Scout simultaneously stuck their knives in the temples of two guards outside of Antonio's office. Oliver nudged me and motioned that he was going to do a sweep with Ryan to which I nodded as Skye, Scout, and Daniela continued on upstairs with the rest of our men. I waited against the office door so I could listen in on Antonio. I heard his grimy voice speaking and it took all of the willpower I had to not bust in there, guns blazing.

"Salvatore, when did you become such a little bitch? I said we're attacking tomorrow night. We don't know what they know and we need our shipments long gone before they can do anything. Now if you're too bitch to follow through then I will easily replace you, do you hear me? Easily," Antonio demanded angrily and a sly grin formed on my face as Salvatore's reply came back quietly, "I'm not a bitch, uncle. But these are the Russian's and we know how ruthless Viktor and Yuri were. What if King and Johnson are the same?"

   I clicked the button of my Bluetooth and spoke quietly into it, "Oliver, come back." I saw Oliver round the corner quickly, he probably thought I was in trouble. His face held an immense amount of relief once he saw I was okay and whispered, "Salvatore and Antonio are both in there. Who do you call dibs on?"

  Oliver's face formed into a wicked grin, "I want Antonio's punk ass. Questions first?" I shook my head, "Injure them, strip them of weapons, make them talk, then kill them. I'll send my men back to Salvatore's quarters and have them finish up there." Oliver nodded with a stern look on his face and Ryan quietly jogged up to us, "Need any help?"

I nodded just in case I did and Oliver mouthed his countdown before we all held our guns up and Oliver busted through the door, automatically firing along with me and Ryan.

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now