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A/N: I really hope you guys enjoyed chapter one! Thank you for continuing on to book 2 of Dynamite Touch, please continue voting and enjoy this chapter, fuckers! 💋

A/N: I really hope you guys enjoyed chapter one! Thank you for continuing on to book 2 of Dynamite Touch, please continue voting and enjoy this chapter, fuckers! 💋

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(Typically of an action or activity) Wicked or criminal.

  "How are you feeling?" The guard asked me and I shrugged my shoulder, "I think I'll never develop scoliosis from being tied to this chair."

 He chuckled and nodded, "I love your optimism for this situation. I don't know what I would do if I was held captive in a chair, beaten, starved, and dehydrated for a month."

"Hey, don't brag just because you can't be in my position. Remember, if you're caught talking to me or helping me in any way, he'll kill you," I whispered and he nodded, half-heartedly smiling. Salvatore had three guards, one from seven in the morning until noon, one from twelve-thirty until six-thirty in the evening, and the other from seven at night to six-thirty in the morning. I had people watching me at all times and I wasn't allowed to learn their names, but I learned the night shift's name because he's my friend now. His name is Luca and the only reason he works for Salvatore is because his father stole money from Salvatore and his negotiation for not killing Luca's family was for him to come work for him indefinitely.

   I've been here a whole month, according to Luca, and it's been absolutely excruciating. I get beat every day, even if I don't talk. I get fed once every two days, one time. It's usually slop and scraps combined together from what everyone else is eating. I get one bottle of water with that slop and am only allowed to drink half of it.

  "How are you holding up after yesterday's beating?" He whispered, pity masking his voice and I shrugged again, "You get used to it after a while. It stopped hurting as bad a little bit ago, honestly." I heard the shuffling of feet and Luca stiffened up. I braced myself for Salvatore's wrath if he heard me conversing with "the help".

The door burst open and Salvatore eyed me warily before looking at Luca, "Status update. Now."

   "She just woke up, hasn't talked or even really opened her eyes until now," Luca lied convincingly and Salvatore scoffed, "Lazy bitch, should've guessed it." My eyes followed him as he walked in the room further and Luca shut the door once Salvatore was completely in the room and standing in front of me. He walked towards me and glanced down at my legs. He scrunched his nose in disgust, "You started your fucking period all over my good chair, whore."

  "Considering I've vomited, pissed, and shit myself in this bloody chair it shouldn't matter- it's a little bit of blood, tosser. And, it's not my period. It's from you cutting my leg," I hissed back at him and his eyebrows rose at my audacity to talk back. He smirked and looked at Luca, "When your shift is over let them know that she's not to be fed in the morning. She can eat in two more days." As if on cue, my stomach rumbled violently and he chuckled, "I told you that you would get your food privileges revoked if you back-talked me."

I shrugged my shoulders at him and laughed, "You really think I give a crap about food privileges? I told you either just kill me or let me go. I do not care if you starve me, I do not care if you beat me, I do not care if you dry me out."

   "Well, well, well... aren't you a brave little thing?" He laughed as he circled my chair and I felt fear build up in my stomach. I know I should've kept my mouth shut but his smug attitude was making it hard, no matter how many beatings I endured. I'm slowly losing hope that Elliott will find me alive, and if he finds me I may very well be dead if I don't learn how to keep my bloody mouth shut.

  "Maybe this will teach you a lesson about being a woman. Don't you know ladies shouldn't cuss?" He asked with a smirk and I scoffed, "Now that's proper bullshit-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence because the foreign and agonizing feeling of Salvatore's belt whipped me across the face. I gasped in pain and gasped again, causing me to choke and be sent into a violent fit of coughs as Luca looked away, cringing and Salvatore laughed at my expense. He whipped me again with the belt on the other side of the cheek and I couldn't even breathe because of how painful it was. I didn't think I would feel his beatings anymore, but then again I had never endured anything other than his dull knife scratching me, his feet kicking me, his fists punching and slapping me, and his fingers pinching me.

   "What's wrong, baby? Cat got your tongue?" He asked with a slick smile before rearing back and whipping my bare thigh with it. My eyes stung because of the need to cry, but not having enough water in my system to do so. I screamed in pain as he did it again with my other thigh and bit the inside of my cheek so I couldn't curse him out anymore.

  "Answer me!" He growled before digging in his pocket for his lighter. I kept quiet, either way, he would hurt me. He flicked the lighter on and threatened me with it silently, evilly laughing and I still kept quiet. He rolled his eyes, obviously tired of my defiance and held the flame to my throat. I clenched my jaw as the flame burned into my skin, my skin audibly sizzling under the scorching hot flame. My breathing was uneven, obviously pained but he waited for me to make a whimpering sound before he dug in a little bit more and then backed off.

"Nice, that's already blistering and looking magnificent," he grinned before turning around and walking out of the room. I sighed loudly in relief and tried to focus on my breathing as I was slowly beginning to panic. Luca walked over to me with his bottle of water and put it to my lips, allowing me to drink slowly. I looked up at him with teary eyes, silently thanking him and he nodded as the cool water almost hurt my throat from how dry it was. I physically felt as the water hit the bottom of my stomach since I haven't eaten in days.

   God, please take me home...

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora