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A/N: Elliott's awake, how does that make you guys feel? Are we happy about the fact that I'm not your average evil writer? Mwahaha. Anyways, vote and enjoy, babies!💋



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The phobia of losing someone you love.

  It's been two days since we've been out of the hospital. According to Ryan, Elliott's dad owned a small vacation house here in the Maldives. We've been staying here because Elliott's stubborn arse refuses to leave until he gets better enough to go back to the Muraka. His exact words were: "I'm not going home. My intention was to stay a full week and we only stayed one day. Let me get better at my father's vacation home and then we'll start over at the Muraka. I'm not going home because of a pesky little bullet."

   I haven't spoken to Oliver ever since I kicked him out of the waiting room. When I see him in a room I walk out and wait till he's gone. I'm still angry at him but I know now that I might have overreacted a bit. I'm just still too upset to apologize right now. Currently, I'm taking a lavender-scented bath in the dark with nothing but a couple of candles surrounding me, soft romantic music playing and a wine glass in my hand. My hair is pinned up because it's not wash day. My head was leaning back against the porcelain tub, eyes closed, and humming along with John Legend's infamous song All of Me.

I took a sip with my eyes closed before the bathroom door creaked open and I almost freaked out before realizing it was Elliott. I blew out a breath, a soft giggle erupted from my belly, "You scared me. Are you okay?"

   He nodded as he sat down beside the tub and leaned his head on the edge of it, looking up at me, "I missed you." I chuckled as I looked at him, "I was just in the room like five minutes ago." He shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "Five minutes without you is like... a damn near death sentence. Like even worse than getting shot in your chest." I tried not to laugh because it's not supposed to be funny but I accidentally let a small laugh slip and he chuckled with me. Before I knew what he was doing, he was standing up and pulling his clothes off before he inhaled sharply whilst trying to take his shirt off.

  "Here, let me help you," I reached my hands up as he kneeled down. I grabbed the shirt and carefully pulled it off of him, "What are you doing?" He grinned at me slyly, "I wanna bathe with you, duh." I giggled before moving forward so he was able to slip in behind me. The bubbles got bigger from the movement in the water and I looked back at him, "I don't want to hurt you." He shook his head, "Just lay your head on the other side of my chest, mamas. You're not going to hurt me." I nodded reluctantly before doing as instructed, taking a sip from the red wine. He played with the loose ringlets of my hair whilst softly singing All of Me to me.

I smiled to myself as I listened to the leathery, beautiful, and melodic song coming from his lips. At this moment, I am genuinely happy. Once the song was over, I felt his fingertips caress from the back of my neck to my collarbones as he sighed, "You have to talk to Oliver, Cam... He's your best friend."

   I awkwardly cleared my throat, "I will. I just... I just need some time." It was quiet for a moment before I felt him kiss the top of my head and whisper to me, "It's not his fault, Cam. None of us knew there would be another one lingering around on a different boat. Please? If not for him then do it for me. I don't want you guys to not be friends anymore over something silly-"

  "Something silly?" I scoffed as I turned around slightly to look at him. The hurt was evident on my face and his face showed immediate regret, "Cameron that's not what I meant."

"Something silly?" I asked again as hurtful tears filled my eyes, "I-I thought you were going to die... El. I thought that I'd have to bury my best friend, the lo-love of my life..." Tears fell over my cheeks and his face softened at my expense but I continued, "Y-you don't know how scared I was. I went back to apologize to you for the argument. And then I heard Skye and Oliver... they were yelling, panicked... and when I saw Oliver cleaning your blood I felt like my heart cracked."

   I gasped in pain as I relived the memory, clutching my chest as I stared at the flame flickering in the candle, "It felt like... like my heart shattered. I felt it. My chest physically hurt and I wanted to vomit, Elliott. I felt like I was just hit by a train, like half of me just died. I don't' even remember the ride to the hospital. All I remember is the fact that Skye told me you were shot. And they didn't know how bad it was, only that you lost a lot of blood. I couldn't even hear anything, it was like an incessant ringing in my ears, my heart was pounding... my stomach was aching and I could barely feel my face. I could barely feel my bloody face, I was so scared, El!"

 He grabbed me and hugged me to him as I cried and I shook my head in defiance, "So don't you ever tell me it's over something silly."

"I won't, love, okay? I'm so sorry. I guess I didn't realize how you felt about it. I'm so sorry that you went through that. I love you," he whispered against the top of my head and I nodded as I hugged his arm to me, "I love you more. Please don't ever leave me again... I've never been so scared in my life."

   "I pinky promise I'll never leave you, ever, Cam, alright?"

  And then I hooked my pinky with his.

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now